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Al Snow Bio

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 234 pounds
From: Lima, Ohio
Favorite Quote: "I'm the leader of this team!"
Finishing Move: Snow Plow

In one of the strangest returns to the Federation in recent memory, Al Snow has reappeared on the scene. Snow, distraught over his treatment by Federation brass in the past, claims he has been psychologically traumatized as a result of his former "gimmicks," including Avatar and Leif Cassidy. This has all caused Snow to take directions from "Head," a disembodied mannequin that he carries with him at all times. Al Snow or the Head were forced to leave the Federation after losing a match last July. However, Snow refused to let his 16-year journey to the top end, and he showed up again!
With the recent addition of the Hardcore Championship to the World Wrestling Federation, Al Snow has finally found his niche in the ring.  Now, the same actions that had Snow blackballed in the Federation are welcomed.  There is no telling how far Al Snow can propel his career within the ranks of the Hardcore division.
