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Mark Henry Bio

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 400 pounds
From: Silsby, Texas
Finisher: The Vertical Splash

He's "The World's Strongest Man", a former powerlifting and overhead lifting champion who competed at the 1996 Olympic games in Atlanta. However, Mark Henry's personality is that of a lover, not a fighter. He's "Sexual Chocolate" and proud of it.
Of course, inside the ring, if he can keep his mind off the ladies, Mark Henry is one of the most dangerous superstars in the Federation. Whether he's in singles competition or teaming up with buddy D'Lo Brown, he'll steal the victory just like he steals the hearts of all his adoring females.
He can also steal the hearts of men in drag as he did several weeks ago on RAW. After succumbing to a Terri Runnels low blow, Chyna, Henry's love-interest at the time, left him in a locker room with her friend, Sammy. One thing led to another and -- as it turned out -- Sammy was a man. Sexual Chocolate still has difficulty getting over that one. Henry has been on the disabled list with an injury, a torn petellar to be exact.
With proper medical and "loving" attention, Sexual Chocolate should make a complete recovery and return to action sometime in late-winter.
