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Sable Bio

Favorite Quote: "This is for all the women that want to be me, and for all the men that come to see me!"
Finishing move: Sablebomb
Career Highlight: Women's Champion (current)

  In late 1998, she made her number one priority winning the Federation Women's Champion, and last November at the Survivor Series she accomplished that goal by pinning Jacqueline.
She has gone on to defend the title successfully, and last March she posed in one of the fastest selling Playboy magazines of all time! It seems as if success has gone to her head, as lately we've seen a conceited side to the femme fatale. She has said in several interviews that "everybody wants Sable." With television and movie offers, magazine spreads and fans worldwide, Sable just might be right!
In fact, "Sable, Inc." is in such demand that the Federation Women's Champion has hired the enormous Nicole Bass to watch her back!
