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Undertaker Bio

Height: 6'10"
Weight: 328 pounds
From:Death Valley
Finishing Move: Tombstone Piledriver
Career Highlights: Federation Champion (2), Tag Team Champion

There is no denying that the Undertaker may be the most awesome presence the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen. The Man from the Dark Side has taken on a darker edge. As the Lord of Darkness, he heads the Ministry, a group that includes the Acolytes, Viscera, and Midian.
The Undertaker has been a haunting force since he entered the Federation at the 1989 Survivor Series.
He has since transformed into a frightening force. He promises his Ministry will grow in numbers in the future. Those who resist, he says, will become his victims. The Undertaker has even issued a personal threat to Mr. McMahon. He reacted by launching Kane at the Dead Man in an Inferno Match on RAW. The future could be bleak for Mr. McMahon should the Undertaker validate any threat, real or imagined against the Federation's owner.
