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Paul Wight Bio

Height: 7' 4"
Weight: 500 pounds
From: Tampa, Florida
Finishing move: Chokeslam

Paul Wight tore into the World Wrestling Federation—literally. He first showed up on at St. Valentine's Day Massacre in February by ripping through the ring canvas and, in an amazing display of strength, throwing Stone Cold Steve Austin through a steel cage!
Since then Wight has proved that his big debut wasn't a fluke. Simply put, Wight is a blue chipper. Whether it is lifting up an entire ring or pulling the entire Titan Tron down to the floor, Wight puts on a Big Show that fans won't soon forget.
Wight, still in his 20s, has had such an amazing impact in only a few months. Imagine what The Big Show can accomplish in the years that he will be a part of the Federation. At over 7 feet tall and 500 pounds, who can stop The Big Show from attaining all his goals?

