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Wrestler Of The Month!

The wrestler of the month for June, 1999, is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Stone Cold faught against all odds, and became the WWF Heavyweight Champ, by defeating The Lord of Darkness, The Undertaker, on Raw is War the night after The King Of The Ring pay-per-view. Austin didn't just have to get past Vince McMahon, who betrayed The Rattlesnake, but also Vince's evil son Shane. Shane has been out to get Austin just as much as his father has been for years. But they weren't enough to keep Stone Cold down. Austin faught back from everything that the McMahon's put in front of him, and managed to become the Heavyweight Champion of the WWF once again. But how long will he keep it? Who knows really. You can't count out The Undertaker to recapture the belt, nor can you count out Triple H, The Rock, Kane, or even the 1999 King Of The Ring winner himself, Mr. Ass. Stone Cold is going to have to look out and be aware that at any time one of those men can take the title away and become champion.