Highest Percentage of Rock Stars #12
I usually dislike personal zines. They usually bore me, and I usually couldn't give a rat's ass about the persons life explained in them. This wasn't the case with this personal zine. It's basicly done journal style, every page full of little entries from day to day, an extremely candid story about her relationship/breakup, clinical depression, and the start of a new relationship. Among many other things. I was hard-pressed to put this thing down, and spent the good part of an hour just taking it all in. Frankly, i feel honored for this look into Amy's (the zine writer) life. Highly recommended. (TG)
$2, HPRS 1357 Sullivan Rd. Alden, NY 14004
Green Means Go! #6
Decent interviews with decent bands, semi-ok stories, ok reviews. Overall this zine just didn't really do much for me. Too wordy maybe, I don't know. (TG)
$2, Green Means Go! PO Box 3306 Jersey City, NJ 07303
Mesh Hat (zine) #1
Well put together photocopied zine, for those of us with short attention spans. Funny interviews with Cave-in, The Vandals, and Sven, the guy who created Stink-or (though i think that one might have been made up...). Other things in the zine include a guide to impressing the opposite sex, short attention span theater (funny as hell!), And a very short interview with "Earth Crisisis" (anything that makes fun of Earth Crisis is A-Ok in MY book!) Highly recommended for those of you tired of reading ultra-serious poetic personal emo zines, and just want to have something fun to read. (TG)
$2, Chris Haraway 6208 Gradys Walk Bowie, MD 207150
Neus Subjex #20, 21, and 22- I'd come across this zine somewhere before, but i didn't remember where. I did remember i enjoyed it, so i was more than pleased to recieve these in the mail. The Neus Subjex deals totally with cincinati punk rock (CPR!), and is an extremely informative source if you are interested in punk rock in other cities besides you own. It's written in a tabloid "scoop" fashion, with lots of humer. I strongly recommend this. Doesnt say anything about cost on it (it's free in person), but i'm guessing send 'em a buck for postage and your cool. Neus Subjex PO Box 18051 Fairfield, OH 45018-0051
Lactose Intolerant Love #3- Funny little zine. Kind of a personal zine, with lots of stories on things going on in the writers life. Also, an interview with Archers of Loaf and some record and show reviews. It's free in the Athens Ohio area, I dont know how much mailorder. There's no adress though, so i guess that doesn't matter. If you want one, email me and i'll try to find one for ya.
Hopeless Records Zine/Catalog #3- I alway like it when i recieve a Hopeless catalog/zine. They are very informative, Have good interviews, and occasionally good recipes. The recipes in this one weren't too great, but the interviews include: The Queers, Jon from Stealworks (graphics), and a few others including one with the people who run the plant where hopeless gets their records pressed. I would recommend this especially because it's free. Go to the Hopeless Website and sign up for the mailing list and you'll get one. It's also good to be on that list because Hopeless Zine #2 came with a free cd featuring new songs by 88 Fingers Louie and the Queers!
La Mala Manzana #5 This zine is based in colorado, (which has a pretty good scene goin, by the way!) and features interviews with Funeral Oration, The Mansfields, and the Deadites. The interviews with the Mansfields and Funeral O. are fairly decent, the Deadites interview was funny as hell. This zine also features some OK writings, but nothing spectatular. It's worth the buck it costs to mailorder i suppose, it's decent reading for when you are bored or on the shitter, but it is kinda short, and about 50% ads. I got mine free with some patches i ordered, and which took 8 months to get to me, so i dont know how reliable their mailorder is. $1 ppd. La Mala Manzana P.O. Box 1712 Colorado Springs CO 80901-1712