Now move the cursor to the empty box
>>>WAAAYYY at the bottom of the page :)
(Is the cursor blinking?) and with one light tap push the V key. Shazam! you just copied and pasted what you copied to a different place. Great!
To recap everything that was highlighted was copied CMD+A copies all!
C C P memory is gone if you switch users or power off. So just c+p the info and mail it to the other user! Or to yourself then it can be in the mail's memory!
Some times people complain that after working on their sig-boxes that it takes foreever to get down to the send button, well they either hit scroll down or return WAY too many times CMD+A then CMD+X will tighten that sig-box right up!
I never heard about these CMD features any others?
A few, CMD+P will set up the print option (sorry, got to have a printer attached!)
Plus users can have 4 square inches of their screen blocked with CMD+W the tv p-i-p activates.
You can move TV p-i-p with CMD+M but it only goes where it will soon be in your way again.(to the right)
And there is CMD+R which will reload or "refresh" the page (that IRS man will keep coming back!
Doing CMD+power is the same as hangup on options.
CMD+Ctrl will show the addy of the link that your cursor is on
Try pushing cmd+ctrl on "unopened" email to see what number email it is for that user.
These I could not imagine being without!
CMD+-> (arrow right) will move cursor to the end of text on that line.
CMD+<- (arrow left) will move cursor back to beginning of line.
CMD+ scroll up will do so quickly!
CMD+ scroll down will do so, so fast
your cursor will lag behind!
>>>NOTE! do not use scroll up or down with or without CMD in your sig box!<<<
Hope this made sense!