Aight, after a few people wondering WHO the heck is writing Eternity Fan Fiction...well, here I am. I finally decided to write a short bio kind of explaining WHO I here goes.

My Basic Story:
Well, my name is Jen and I am 19 years old. I just finshed my sophomore year at college, and my major is management. I have been writing Rising Stars for about a year now. This is my first venture with fan fiction, and not having read much fan fic, this was a complete stab in the dark.

How/Why did I start fan fic writing?
Well, the little bit of N Sync fan fiction that I had read basically disgusted me. It was pretty much pure cheese with no humor...consisting of the author seducing one of the guys into bed. *barf* I thought I could do better, and so one day at work I brainstormed about it. I thought that writing a story based on five girls entering the music business would be cute, and easy to weave N Sync in there. I definitely wanted a little romance, cuz people like that...but not the cheesy sex kind. I mostly used my experiences with relationships (the awkwardness, the pushing people away...etc.) to help me write out some scenarios. But, as some of you know, my specialty is humor (I run the humor page Just Thrust It along with my sister Rachel) I wanted to integrate a lot of humor in with it. I figured that would help make the boys seem real...more like how they really are.

So...basically I just started writing one day, and the story evolved. I do not usually plan out chapters ahead of time. I just sit and let it flow out, cuz I think that it is more natural that way. I also based the characters on people I know (including myself), and used experiences that I have had to deal with in order to make the emotion evident and realistic. So, pretty much everything you read is me pouring my emotion into the characters to make them seem real to you, the reader.

Am I going to finish anytime soon?
A lot of people ask me when I'm going to finish the story or if it's already finished, etc. Rising Stars, and the start of it's prequel (which I HARDLY ever work on) Shooting Stars, are works in progress. I do not know when they will end. Probably either when I develop carpal tunnel syndrome or Chris breaks a hip. Either way it's gonna be awhile. Yes I know the story is long, but it's not really a driven story with means to an's following two pop groups on the road of stardom. :)

Well..that's enough for now. I hope that answers your questions. Any other questions you can contact me at -Thanks :)

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