Jordan sat and stared at Justin blankly, struggling to hide the multitude of emotions that had overcome her. She watched Justin shift awkwardly in his chair, obviously uncomfortable about blurting out his thoughts so freely.

Justin's blue eyes searched Jordan's face for any hint of what she was thinking. 'I should have kept my big mouth shut.' he thought, regretting what he had stated so bluntly.

"I'm sorry, I gotta go." Jordan said abruptly, breaking the silence between them. Getting up and pushing her chair back in one swift movement, she grabbed her keys off the table and walked away before Justin had time to protest.

"Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" Justin muttered, resting his head on his hands.

"Go after her." Rachel said quietly, walking up behind him and nudging his shoulder gently.

"Huh?" he looked up at her in surprise. Confusion in his eyes was apparent as he gazed up at her, shocked by her calm demeanor, which was so uncharacteristic of the usually jubuliant blonde.

"You heard me" Rachel replied, staring back at him. "Trust me on this one ok? I heard what you said to her. Just go talk with her, or she's gonna keep driving you crazy."

'Maybe she's right' he thought, struggling to read her facial expression. "Ok" he said simply, before getting up and walking inside to get his keys.


"Where ya goin man?" JC questioned as Justin grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter.

Chris peered out from behind the refrigerator door to see who JC had spoken to. The braided figure grinned, "Aww can't leave! We're gonna eat some dessert."

"Joey can have my share." Justin joked, heading toward the front door. "JC, if you MUST know, I'm goin to talk to a friend."

JC stopped what he was doing and followed Justin to the door. "Who?" he inquired nosily. "Jordan?" When Justin nodded quickly, he shook his head.

"See ya" Justin said, frowning at his friend's reaction as he opened the door.

JC, noticing Justin's obvious concern for Jordan, stopped the door with his hand. Justin looked at him, anger and hurt beginning to show in his eyes. JC sighed, "Good luck man, I hope you figure things out", he said quietly, letting go of the door as Justin looked at him in surprise before walking outside.


"Sometimes I run....Sometimes I hide, Sometimes I'm scared of you...but all I really want is to hold you tight....treat you right, be with you day and all I need is time."

"Ugh, Britney...shut UP!" Jordan reached down and turned off the radio. 'Why is it that stuff like that always seems to describe what is going on with me..' she wondered as she brushed tears from her eyes. She passed through the security gate, and continued to drive down the street before pulling into her driveway.

"What is wrong with me?" she muttered to herself. Sighing, she stepped out of the car before locking it and making her way to the front door. She stepped inside and glanced in the hall mirror. "Oh Jordan, you look REAL cute." she stated sarcastically as she noticed her bleary eyed reflection staring back at her. Running her fingers through her dark hair, she set her purse down gently before making her way down the hall to her room.


Justin sat impatiently for the light to change as he waited to turn onto the street that led to the gated community where Jordan lived. Glancing to his right, he caught the eye of a young girl in the car next to him. Realizing who he was, she began gesturing wildly to her friend in the passenger seat next to her. Justin smiled and waved at the two girls as the light changed, and he turned off onto Jordan's street. 'I hope she's home, cuz I have no idea where else she would be' he wondered, his thoughts jumbled as he passed through the security gates, waving at the guard. He breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled in the driveway, noticing Jordan's car sitting there, as well as lights on in the house.

"Here goes nothing." he muttered, running his hand through his curls as he made his way toward the front door.


"UGh! Who the hell is it at this hour?" Jordan groaned as she hopped off the bed. The doorbell rang again, this time followed by a knock on the door. "I'm COMING!" she said, exasperated as she hurried down the hallway. She peered out the side window, groaning as she realized who the visitor was. Jordan pulled open the door slowly, avoiding Justin's gaze as he stared in at her.

'Wow', he thought, breathing in sharply, his gaze taking in the thin brunette as she opened the door and invited him in. Jordan stood there, her tanned face no longer red from crying, in plaid boxer shorts and a white tank top. Her dark hair, falling out of it's messy ponytail, framed her hazel eyes as she finally looked up at Justin.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, confused, her gaze steady with his.

Justin took a deep breath as he stepped inside, "Wow, what a welcome. Glad to see you too." he grinned halfheartedly, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, seriously, why did you come here?" Jordan questioned.

"Because I care...that's why. And I think we need to talk." Justin said quietly.

"If you are talking about what went on earlier, I really don't feel like discussing it." Jordan said, her voice husky with emotion. She looked down as she felt her eyes well up with tears. 'Why am I crying?' she thought, willing herself to stop the outpour of emotion. "Maybe you should go" she said to Justin, looking away so he wouldn't see her tears.

Justin closed the door behind him, and reached out to Jordan. He gently tipped her face toward his with his hand, and searched her eyes, trying to see what was making her so upset. Catching his gaze, Jordan's tears gently began to overflow onto her tanned cheeks as Justin pulled her into a tight hug.

"Justin.." Jordan tried to protest.

"Shhh." he said, holding her close. She tried to pull back, but her attempt was only half hearted. Justin felt her relax in his arms as they stood in the doorway, tightly embraced.

Chapter 13