
"Hmmm...I wonder if Chris fell in while rescuing Jordan? He's been gone quite awhile, dontcha think?" Justin mentioned casually to Ashlee, trying to hide the fact that he was really interested on where the two disappeared to.

"Um, yeah I guess he must have. It hasn't been THAT long has it?" Ashlee replied, distracted by the antics of Joey and Rachel. She was teasing him mercilessly and he was chasing her around the yard. "Aren't they hilarious together?" she turned toward where Justin had stood a moment before, and realized she was talking to herself. "Well, yeah...I feel cool...talking to myself. Good times."


Justin slipped inside the house, curious about what was taking Chris so long. He walked down the hallway, approaching the door to Jordan's room, which was halfway open. He peeked in and saw the two sitting on the bed with their backs to him. He heard Jordan talking softly to Chris through her tears, and tried to repress the urge to run in and scoop her up in his arms. Instead, he stood still...trying to listen to what they were discussing so intently, hoping it would help him figure out what was bothering Jordan so much.

"So...why do you think he is just now trying to be a part of your life?" Chris questioned.

"I have no idea. It's just like, he picked the worst time to do this. He had all that time...19 years to contact me, and nothing. Then, when I am finally doing something with my life, something that makes me happy...he has to try and step in. I just am so confused. There's no one I can talk to...my mom just doesn't want to hear it, and the rest of my family...my dad, my sisters...it would hurt them too much." Jordan said, trying to contain her emotion as the tears poured out of her hazel eyes.

Chris sat silent, not knowing what he could do to ease her obvious pain. Justin took a deep breath and entered the room as Jordan turned around in surprise after hearing the door swing open. The two locked eyes for a minute before Jordan looked away, ashamed of the outpour of emotion that her face displayed. Chris looked at his friend, not saying a word. He could see the hurt in Justin's eyes, the confusion, and the concern that he held for Jordan.

"Um...I am gonna go see what everyone else is doing. I will talk to you later Jordan...ok?" Chris gently patted her on the back as he got up off the bed, and walked past Justin.

"Are you ok?" Justin said, approaching Jordan, who still sat on the bed, avoiding his gaze.

"Yeah...I'm fine. Thanks for asking though.." she said quietly as Justin kneeled down in front of her.

"Ya know, you have got me all tied up in knots woman. I am really concerned about you, and frustrated because you won't tell me what's up." Justin smiled at her as he gently brushed away the remainder of her tears. Jordan smiled slightly at his touch, her gaze meeting his as she struggled to keep her thoughts away from the conversation she had with Chris.

"I appreciate it..I really do." Jordan said thoughtfully, trying to decide if she should tell Justin what was going on with her. Her thoughts were interrupted however, as Rachel let out a shrill scream from the living room, her scream followed by the sound of breaking glass.

"Holy shit! That girl is so dead. If she broke one more picture frame, she's gonna get a swift kick in the ass." Jordan said suddenly, standing up and hurrying out of the room, leaving Justin sitting on the floor.

Justin sat there for a few seconds after Jordan left, sighing deeply and shaking his head. 'This is so frustrating! It's driving me nuts.' he thought to himself as he lifted his lanky frame from the floor and got to his feet. He was about ready to leave the room when he noticed a letter laying near the edge of the bed. He bent down and picked it up, curious..and began reading.

"Dear Jordan,

I don't know how to start this, or even what to say. I just hope that this finds you in good health, and happy with the amazing life that you are living. I know that this is something you never thought you would hear, and frankly..it's something that I never thought I would write..."

Justin sat down on the bed, engrossed in the letter, as he continued to read in disbelief of the story that was unfolding before him.

"...I do not know what your mother has told you about me, or if she has told you about me at all. If she has told you, I know you think that I am a coward for leaving her, but I was young, stupid...not willing to realize or deal with the repurcussions of my adolescent actions. Please forgive me..."


"Aghghgh!! Leave me ALONE you big brute!" Rachel laughed as she fell back on the couch, out of breath.

"WHAT did you break this time?"

Rachel's head swiveled around, her smile freezing on her face as she saw a very angry Jordan standing behind her. "Um...Joey did it?!?" she said, flustered.

"I am gonna KILL you guys!" Jordan's hazel eyes flashed with anger as she bent down to pick up the broken glass from the picture frame that had fallen off the table onto the hardwood floor. She gingerly picked up the photo that had been in the frame and glanced at it. She smiled as she gazed at the family picture. It was her and Rachel, their parents, and their little sister Alexa in front of the castle at Disney World. 'I miss them so much' she thought as she remembered the day the picture was taken. It was from the week that Rachel and Jordan, along with the rest of Eternity got signed by Transcon and had to move from their home in the midwest to sunny Orlando. She sighed as she picked up the remainder of the glass, and threw it into the nearby garbage.

"Where's Justin?" Chris said, coming up behind Jordan, a questioning look on his face.

"Um...I dunno. He wouldn't still be in my room would he?" Jordan's eyes widened as she remembered the letter she dropped when Chris startled her. "Oh no!" she said quickly as she dropped the picture, letting it flutter to the floor as she started to walk down the hallway back to her room.

Chapter 16