A half hour later, Jordan was still laying on the grass where she had fallen after the Joey incident. Suddenly, she felt the Florida sun disappear, and opened her eyes to see a tall figure holding a basketball in the nook of his arm standing above her. "Hey Curly, wasup?" She asked, sitting up abruptly.

"Not a whole lot, just finished the game. I whooped their ass...as usual." Justin smiled widely as he sat down in the grass beside her.

"As usual eh?" Jordan squinted in Justin's direction, with a playful grin dancing on her lips. "So Mr. Timberlake, are you always this cocky? Or is it just today?"

"Aww man, I ain't that bad am I?" Justin layed back on the grass, sheilding his eyes from the sun as he looked up at Jordan.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Jordan teased.

"Well, I can see this conversation is going absolutely no where. Why don't you two come join us on the patio before we have to leave?" Jordan turned to see Leigh standing behind her smiling, hands on her hips.

Jordan looked at her silver watch, also noticing that the sun had started to set. "Oh yeah, we do have to go pretty soon. I will never be able to get my butt outta bed tomorrow in order to be at the studio by 7. And ya'll KNOW that I will suck worse than Rachel at dancing if I don't get some sleep tonight." She carefully got to her feet, then reached down and grabbed the basketball that Justin had set down between them. Jordan turned and began following Leigh back toward the house, with Justin close behind the two girls.


"So ya'll are filming your 'Confessions of Love' video soon? Is that what Lou is having you choreograph tomorrow?" Lance inquired gently, interested in business as always.

"Yep, I am just hoping that the dance moves aren't TOO complicated. Otherwise we might be there all damn day, knowing how Rachel dances so...um...gracefully." Ashlee giggled, glancing at Rachel mischeviously, trying to see if she heard what was just said.

Rachel looked up from her game of solitare. "Hey, I heard that you fool. Just for that, I will be sure to be extra GRACEFUL tomorrow, just for you", she said, her blue eyes flashing with laughter.

"Oooohhh, is that a threat or a promise?" Ashlee shot back, laughing.

"Well, actually it's a thromise...so you better be afraid, be VERY afraid." Rachel said, pulling that comment completely out of her ass.

"Well, I personally am really excited about seeing what you girls come up with. What is the video gonna consist of? Do you know yet where you are shooting it?" JC asked, as he put his feet up on the table, leaning back in his chair.

"Do we EVER know what is going on? It's been two months of nothing but media training, recording, and promoting our cd release like there is no tomorrow. I am just hoping that our video makes sense...unlike some people's." Tressa looked pointedly at the five guys sitting next to her. When she recieved nasty looks from the four that were actually paying attention to her comment, she laughed. "Hey Joey..did ya hear that? I was just ripping on your lovely videos."

Joey looked up from the magazine he was flipping through. "Oh, sorry, I was trying to concentrate on this article. It's bout you girls ya know. Maybe you should read it. Apparently Jordan is dating Justin AND an unknown from back home. Isn't that funny...I thought you were 'single and ready to mingle'." Joey smiled at Jordan as she blushed immensely.

"Yeah, well I am 'single and ready to mingle'...at least the last time I checked. What is next? Me having JC's love child? Please...I have known you guys for what? Two months? And this kinda stuff is already getting spread around...my god." Jordan shook her head. "Just wait till our interview with Carson Daly in a couple weeks. I am sure it will be brought up. I can't wait," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she stood up and grabbed her keys.

"Where ya goin? Aww Jordan, I didn't offend you did I?" Joey looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"No, it's all good Joey, but I need to get home and get some beauty sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." She bent down to give him a quick hug and a light kiss on the cheek, and then did the same to the other guys sitting around the table.

"Well ya better hurry! It looks like you are a little behind in the beauty sleep schedule." Chris laughed, then Jordan smacked him lightly on the back of his pigtailed head.

"Very funny...are you sure you aren't lookin in a mirror when you say that Chris?" Jordan teased back.

"Are we ready to go?" Rachel broke in, obviously finished with her card game.

"Yeah, let's get goin...we'll see all you guys tomorrow. Nice and early!" Jordan smiled and waved as she walked into the Wright house. "Thanks Johnny, we had a great time" she said brightly as she hugged the middle aged black man goodbye.

As her sister hugged Johnny and said thank you, Jordan walked out to the car sitting in the driveway. Rachel bounced out to the car behind her, hopped in, and turned up the radio as Jordan pulled out into the street.

Chapter 3