
"Whatcha doin?" Leigh asked, entering the hotel room that Jordan and Rachel shared.

Jordan quickly finished stuffing two tickets into the envelope she was holding tightly. "Oh, just getting ready to mail this out." she replied, shrugging casually.

"Oh! Your parents are coming to the show in LA?" Leigh asked, noticing the tickets. "That's so awesome! But..doesn't your dad have to work?" she frowned, remembering that the reason why Jordan's family wouldn't move to Florida with her was because of her father's job.

"These aren't for my parents...they're not coming. It's for a...friend I guess you could say." Jordan explained carefully.

Leigh sat, confused for a moment. "For who? Val or somebody?" trying to think of any other friends that Jordan had in the Los Angeles area.

"It's no one you know." Jordan smiled brightly, trying to get Leigh to drop the subject.

"If you say so..." Leigh trailed off as she watched Jordan grab her backpack and leave the room.


Jordan closed the door to the suite silently before turning to walk toward the elevators. As she passed by N Sync's suite, Chris emerged from the room, almost running into Jordan. "Hey woman...sneakin out?" he smiled, falling into step beside her.

"Nah, not really...although I've definitely thought about it. How bout you...you sneakin out?"

"Well, actually I just needed a break from the guys. Joey is getting on my nerves, JC is becoming a bitchy old woman, Justin and Tyler took over my damn Playstation, and Lance is sleeping." he explained.

"What was Joey doing that was getting on your nerves so bad?"

"Actually he was begging me for hints on how to get hooked up with your sister." Chris gave Jordan a sideways glance as she rolled her eyes. "I told him to sit on her...that would make her notice. Also there's a good chance it will, ya know..knock her out. Then when she came to, she might fall in love with the first thing she sees...which, I guess, would be Joey's fat ass...but still. It works." he laughed.

Jordan giggled as they got into the elevator. Pressing the button for ground floor, "Well, to get Rachel to like Joey will take a lot more than just sitting on her. He's got her attention all right...now he just needs to figure out how to keep it. Which is easier said than done. He's not really her type you know...she goes more for the whole really really good looking with a chiseled face, smart, funny type. Joey's more of the...well...opposite." Jordan mused.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Joey's more of the stupid, not good looking type, right?" Chris laughed as Jordan frowned slightly.

"Well, I didn't mean it like THAT exactly. But he's more the type of guy that Rach would just be friends with...ya know? There's no physical attraction there for her...at least as far as I know." Jordan explained as the elevator opened up on the second floor to let some people on. A young boy about age six got on with his parents, and stepping into the elevator he began tugging on his mom's arm.

"I'm sorry...but are you Chris from N Sync?" the mother asked, apologetic.

"Yeah, I am." he smiled. Jordan stood there silent as she smiled, unrecognizable in the baseball cap she wore. Chris reached down to shake the little boys hand. "Nice to meet you!"

The mother continued to explain, "He's such a big fan of you...he knows all your songs by heart!" she laughed slightly.

"What's your name?" Chris asked.

The little boy looked up shyly as he whispered, "Ross..."

The elevator doors opened to reveal the lobby and Chris smiled, "Well Ross, I've got to get off here with my friend Jordan. But it was nice meeting you!" giving the little boy a high five, he followed Jordan out into the lobby area.

"I just have to mail this quick...then we can go back upstairs or whatever." Jordan explained, clutching the white envelope.

"Oh ok..who's it for?" he asked curiously.

"My dad. He lives near LA and wants to come to our show, so I got some VIP tickets from Johnny." she replied.

"Are you serious Jordan? You are gonna meet up with him when we are in LA? I mean, you do realize that with VIP tickets, he can get backstage."

Jordan nodded, "Yeah, I know...although I doubt he'll come backstage to meet me for the first time. Ya know? I mentioned in the letter that maybe I could just meet up with him some other time, like have breakfast with him at the hotel or something the morning of the show. We'll see I guess." shrugging, she approached the front desk.

"Hi..I need to mail this overnight priority. Can you do that for me?" Jordan asked the young man at the desk, a bright smile on her pretty face.

"Um..." the young man was about to tell her how much it cost to send things overnight when he noticed the name in the corner where the return address would go. "You're Jordan Bishop? From Eternity?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I am.." she grinned.

"Cool! I'm a huge fan...I'm going to your show later tonight!" he smiled back at her.

"Great..well I hope to see you there!"

"I doubt you will see me...I have pretty crappy seats." he frowned. "You guys are a hot commodity these days, not to mention the fact you're touring with N Sync." he said, looking at Chris, who smiled back at him. "But anyhow, I'll get this in the mail as soon as possible...don't worry about the cost. It's covered."

"Hey thanks, I appreciate it." Jordan said gratefully, and began turning away from the desk. "Oh hey wait...are you working the entire afternoon?"

The young man looked at the clock, which said eleven o'clock. Sighing, he replied, "Yeah, unfortunately I work till three."

"Great! We'll drop off a VIP pass for you on our way to soundcheck. Thanks again for mailing that for me." Jordan grinned at him, her dimples showing prominently.

"Thanks! Yeah, ok..that's so nice of you! Thanks!" the young man said, flustered.

"See ya man.." Chris said, smiling as he followed Jordan back to the elevator.


"So Tyler, what do ya think of the girls?" Justin asked as they sat on the couch in N Sync's suite. Long since finished their Playstation game, the two men waited patiently for the others to finish getting ready before leaving for soundcheck.

Tyler blushed slightly, "I dunno man, they seem really nice."

"Yeah, they are..." he trailed off thoughtfully.

"So tell me a little bit about em...I mean, ya'll would know more than anyone, since you guys travel so closely with em." Tyler questioned, curious about the five girls that he would be spending time with for the next few weeks.

Justin grinned and laughed gently, "Well, who do you want me to tell you about first?"

"How bout Ashlee?"

"Ashlee...hmm...well, she's a pretty big flirt. Kinda the spoiled little rich girl of the group I guess you could say. She's nice though, kinda ditzy at times." he rolled his eyes. "Basically the Joey of the group.."

Tyler laughed and nodded, interested. "What about Rachel?"

"Oh man, Rach...she's a character. Her and Jordan are sisters, in case you didn't know."

"Really? They look nothing alike!" Tyler commented.

"Yeah, I know it..." Justin trailed off, thinking. "But anyways, Rach is like completely off the wall. If anyone will make you laugh, she will. She's a big fan magnet too, they love her...and she really hams it up for em. One thing about Rach is that she can't dance..AND she can't stand Joey, who follows her around like a lost puppy. It's hilarious." Justin explained.

Tyler nodded thoughtfully, "Um...so tell me about Jordan.."

At the mention of her name, Justin smiled crookedly. "Jordan...she's..something else." he said, pausing as he tried to think of how to describe the woman that had captured his attention so easily, without effort on her part. "She's one of those people that you just notice. Ya know? Jordan's got that natural charisma that just draws you to her...not to mention she's gorgeous. She's very sweet..."

"Let me guess...you two have a little something together?" Tyler laughed at the obviousness of Justin's feelings for her.

"Yeah, you could say that I guess." Justin blushed slightly.

"You could say what?" JC questioned, walking into the room, his backpack in tow.

"Oh nothin, I was just tellin him about the girls. Ya know, warning him on who to stay away from...all that good stuff." Justin joked.

"I gotcha." JC smiled, "So who haven't you told him about yet?"

"Tressa and Leigh." Tyler supplied.

JC laughed, "Tressa..."

"She's a little bit of a troublemaker.." Justin trailed off.

"Tressa is a nice person, she just has mood swings...a lot. She's an amazing performer, she really throws everything she's got into it, but her attitude is kinda shitty sometimes. Ashlee provokes her a lot...but no one knows why Tressa lets it get to her." JC explained.

"Now..Leigh...we really should ask LANCE about her." Justin said, emphasizing the word Lance, hoping he would hear.

"What do you mean?" Tyler inquired, confused.

"Ahh, nothin, we just like givin Lance a hard time. They have it bad for each other, but won't do anything about it." Justin laughed.

"Oh.." Tyler trailed off.

"Yeah, so anyhow...Leigh, she's really nice. Kinda watches out for the girls...she's like Lance in the way that she is really business oriented. She's very...well...anal about schedules and that sorta thing. Oh, and she's Jordan's best friend." Justin said simply.

"Cool." Tyler said as Chris, Joey, and Lance reentered the main room.

"You guys ready?" Johnny opened the door, peering in. "We're leaving now for soundcheck if you are."

"Yeah, we're good to go." Lance said as they all picked up their things and proceeded out into the hall.


"So, how long are you going to be on tour with us?" Ashlee questioned Tyler as she fell into step beside him. Eternity and N Sync were making their way through the hotel lobby on the way to their buses.

Tyler glanced at Ashlee, grinning. "Not sure, pry just a few weeks. Why?"

"Oh, no reason really...just wondering how much time I have to get to know you better." Ashlee smiled brightly as she winked at him.

'UGH!' Tressa thought as she watched Ashlee flirt with Tyler. 'I can't believe her!! She doesn't even care about him...he's just another hot guy for her to charm. Makes me wanna barf.' she rolled her eyes as Ashlee looked at her smugly.

Leigh glanced over at Tressa worriedly before switching her gaze to Ashlee, who was flirting non stop with Tyler. 'Great...just another thing for them to fight over...' she thought as she shook her head.

Chapter 24