
"Hey girl, wasup?" Jordan squealed into her cell phone after answering it to hear her good friend Val's voice on the other end. Sitting on the couch in the back of Eternity's bus, she motioned for Leigh to turn down the blaring television.

"Who is it?" Leigh asked, a curious look on her pretty face.

"Val" Jordan mouthed silently to her friend as Leigh nodded, turning down the tv.

"So woman, what's shakin?" Val asked.

"Well, like you don't know. We're on our way to Los Angeles..we just finished our show in San Diego. I was JUST about ready to get to bed before you called." Jordan explained tiredly. "So you're coming to our show tomorrow night, right?"

Val laughed on the other line, "I wouldn't miss it girl. JC Chasez? Um...hello. I would pay just to sit and watch him eat! Oh yeah, and I really am excited to see you and your sister again too."

"I see who ranks where..don't try to hide it. So JC is a higher priority than me huh?" Jordan pretended to be hurt before busting out in laughter. "Damn woman, I miss you too too much."

"I miss you too! Oh..Beth and Stephanie say hey...they're coming to the show too." Val mentioned casually.

"Cool, tell em hey. Hey if you guys come down to the soundcheck, I'll hook ya'll up with some All Access passes. Just be at the venue at like one. We should be there by then...and you can meet JC and the rest of the guys." Jordan yawned.

"Awww. You aren't TIRED are you?" Val laughed.

"Tired is my middle name, and you know it. So stop teasing and let me get to bed." Jordan giggled. "But seriously, Leigh says hi, and so does Rach."

"Alright, well I'll let you go, and I'll see ya bout one tomorrow. Talk to you later chica."

"Bye woman." Jordan said as she pressed end on the cell phone.

"So Val's coming to the show tomorrow night?" Rachel questioned her sister. "Are Beth and Stephanie coming too?"

"Yep..they're all coming. I told em we'd hook em up with some passes if they met us at the venue for soundcheck. Maybe they can come eat with us or something." Jordan shrugged.

"Sounds like a plan." Leigh nodded thoughtfully. "But we all should pry try and sleep a little before we arrive at the hotel, k?"

"Yes...MOM." Ashlee groaned as she got up off of the floor and headed toward her bunk, followed closely by the other four girls.


"Do ya really want it?!"

Jordan turned as she heard a familiar voice singing out the lyrics of Ricky Martin's obnoxious new song. 'That can only be one person..' she thought as a smile crept across her face. "Beth!" she cried as she spotted a shock of red hair coming into the venue. Beth grinned and waved, as she continued making her way toward the stage where Eternity and N Sync were practicing for the night's show. Behind her walked Val and Stephanie, who also began waving when they saw Jordan. The tan brunette had hopped off the stage, much to Johnny's dismay, and was walking toward her three friends.

"Long time no see...how are you?" Jordan asked excitedly as she quickly hugged Stephanie, then Beth, and finally Val.

"Not a whole lot..just the usual." Stephanie smiled.

"Oh, before I forget, let me get your passes..ok?" Jordan said, running to grab her backpack. Digging around inside it, her hand emerged holding three colorful passes with the words 'ALL ACCESS' stamped across them. "These will get you pretty much anywhere...Val, this does NOT mean JC needs your assistance getting his pants on before the show. Ok?" she winked as she handed them to her friends.

"Yeah, yeah...we'll see about that." Val joked.

"We'll just TRY to restrain her...although you know how well that works." Beth said sarcastically, rolling her eyes and smiling.

"So anyhow, Johnny's giving me the death look isn't he?" Jordan questioned quietly, her back to the stage.

"Well if the 'death look' includes him having steam coming out his ears, and his eyes about ready to bug out of his head..yeah I guess that would qualify as the look he's giving you about now." Stephanie explained.

"Aight, well you guys can just hang out or whatever. We shouldn't be too much longer, and then you can meet the guys. Talk to you in a few." Jordan said quickly before turning and running back to the stage. Flashing Johnny a bright smile as she jumped onstage, Eternity and N Sync continued on with the soundcheck.


"Val, this is JC..Justin..Chris..Lance...and Joey. I'm sure you already know them, but yeah. Guys, this is Val." Jordan gestured to her friend before moving on with the introductions. "Val...wipe the drool off your chin girl." she whispered to her friend, grinning.

"Oh..oh yeah." Val laughed as she pretended to wipe her chin.

"Guys, this is Beth...and Stephanie." Jordan finished up the introductions as the guys all shook her friends' hands.

Jordan continued talking animatedly with her three friends as everyone began getting to know one another. Looking over at Val, who was talking with JC, Jordan smiled and shook her head. 'Maybe that girl is what the boy needs to remove that stick from his ass.' she pondered.

Glancing around the venue, Jordan frowned as she noticed a tall, very tan man making his way slowly toward them. Squinting, she tried to see who it was, and as he neared them...her heart skipped a beat. "Ohmygod..." she mumbled, realizing who was tentatively walking toward her.

Chapter 25