"Give me that.." Lance said as he snatched the photo out of Rachel's tight grip.

"Easy Lancey..don't rip the evidence!" Rachel giggled, releasing her fingers from the picture. "I mean, just cuz 'Little Lance' wanted to say hi to Leigh, don't get all embarassed. Hell, Joey's soldier salutes anything with boobs!"

"It does not!" Joey protested, blushing slightly as everyone laughed at his expense.

"Joey..trust me..it does. You about poked that 12 year old's eye out last night when you almost fell off the stage into that blonde's cleavage!" Justin laughed.

"No I didn't!" Joey exclaimed, his face a bright shade of crimson.

"Lance, just do us all a favor and don't try to be a cheap hooker magnet like Joey is ok?" Chris teased. "We can only handle so much silicon, and we all know our colleague Britney has enough of that to smother a small child."

Rachel glared at Chris, offended that he was insinuating Joey only fell for cheap sluts with imitation boobs. 'Ugh, why am I offended? I can't stand having Joey like me. I only hope that I don't fit the normal stereotype of plastic chicks he seems to pull out of the woodwork.' she thought, shaking her head as she resumed looking at the pictures with Val.

"Sooo...what's the plan for tomorrow?" Val asked, settling back against the couch as they continued looking at the pictures.

"Well we have Leno tomorrow night, but other than that...I guess we're free to do whatever." Leigh said, shrugging.

"Cool.." Val trailed off as she picked up a picture of Chris and Tressa goofing off. "So Tressa's out already for the night?"

"Apparently" Ashlee mumbled, rolling her eyes as she turned away from Tyler to join in the conversation. "Maybe her and JC should get together...although that might be too much attitude in one room."


"Jordan...there's a phone call for you!" Tressa said loudly, pulling back the overstuffed comforter that covered the brunette.

"Huh...? What time is it?" Jordan mumbled, picking up the clock and examining it closely, her eyes adjusting to the light.

"It's 9 AM. We've gotta get up and get ready anyhow, but some guy is on the phone for you." Tressa said, handing Jordan the receiver.

"Ok.." Jordan said, reaching out and grabbing the phone from Tressa. Sitting up slowly in bed, she rubbed her eyes. "Hello..?"

"Jordan?" a male voice said tentatively.

"Yes..may I ask who I am speaking to?" she said, pushing her dark hair out of her face hastily.

"It's Luke."

Jordan's stomach dropped as she became flustered. Noticing Tressa's stare, she motioned her groupmate to leave the room. Shrugging and rolling her eyes, Tressa made her way out of the room and back into the main area of Eternity's suite.

"Why are you calling me here? How did you get this number?" Jordan questioned, getting up to shut the door to her room.

"Um..Chris gave it to me. I saw him last night at the afterparty. I tried to talk to you, but you were in the VIP room, and the bodyguards said my pass was no longer of any use, so I couldn't get to you. He said maybe you would be interested in meeting once you had a little time to yourself. I thought maybe today would be a good time for you, if it's not, just let me know." Luke said, trailing off slowly, waiting to hear Jordan's feelings on a possible meeting.

"Chris told you the number here? I can't believe him!" Jordan said, frustrated with her friend. Hearing the door open up slightly, Jordan looked over her shoulder to see who was entering the room.

"Jordan? Who's on the phone? Is it mom and dad?" Rachel asked, peering curiously into the room.

"Um..no Rach it's not." Jordan said quickly. She turned back to the phone, answering Luke's question, "That's fine. Meet me in the hotel lobby at 3 oclock. I have to go..bye." she said briefly before hanging up the phone.


"Who is it?" Tyler said curiously as someone knocked tentatively on the door to N Sync's suite.

"Look in the peep hole you idiot. It's Jordan...is Justin in there?" the brunette asked impatiently. After getting ready, she had made her way down the hall to N Sync's room where she stood debating whether to ask Justin to accompany her when she met up with her father.

"Oh, sorry Jordan." Tyler said shyly, opening the door to allow her in. "And by the way, our peep hole is broken. Some random chicks tried to get in here this morning, and they SAID they were housekeeping. Since there was no peep hole, Joey just opened the door to see who it was."

"So I take it they WEREN'T housekeeping eh?" Jordan laughed. "Joey opened the door? Go figure..the brains of the operation fumbles again."

"Well unless housekeeping changed their uniforms to hot pink tube tops and tight skirts, I DON'T think they were maids." Tyler said, grinning. "I thought Joey was going to start drooling on them. We had to pry him away from the door before shutting it in the poor girls' faces."

"Interesting.." Jordan said, looking around the room. She walked up behind Justin, who was sleeping soundly in a plush chair as a movie blared from the big screen television. "Hey you" she whispered in his ear as she kneeled down beside the chair, wrapping her tan arms around his broad shoulders. Justin's eyes fluttered slightly as he shifted in his sleep, but didn't wake up. Running her finger down the side of his cheek, Jordan smiled slightly as he opened his eyes halfway.

"How long have you been sitting here staring at me?" Justin asked, his face breaking out into a crooked grin.

"Long enough to hear you moan about some girl named Britney. Would that be Britney as in...Spears by any chance?" Jordan teased, awaiting Justin's reaction.

Sitting straight up, Justin's face registered shock. "I was not moaning! Especially about Britney!" he said indignantly.

"Mmm..that's what YOU think." Jordan said, folding her arms over her chest as she struggled to remain serious.

"Was I? No way...I couldn't have been." Justin said, his face registering confusion.

"And why couldn't you have been? Just out of curiousity." Jordan questioned, playing along.

"Because I was dreaming about you.." Justin said sweetly, grinning at Jordan as she burst into a smile.

"Aww so sweet of you. By the way, you weren't moaning about Britney. I just wanted to see what your reaction would be. Gotcha." Jordan laughed, rising to her feet and walking away from a speechless Justin.


Following Jordan into the small kitchen area, Justin hopped up on the counter. "So what's up for today? Why did you come in here and harass me?" he joked.

Jordan looked up at Justin, her face becoming serious. "My father called."

"Serious? So what did you decide?" Justin asked, interested.

Jordan fiddled with the tab on her soda as she stood silent for a moment. "I'm meeting him in the lobby at 3..." she trailed off, her eyes meeting Justin's. "I don't know if I'm ready for this." she stated as she felt her emotions swell.


"What time is it?" the brunette asked, nervously playing with the drawstring of her cargos. Justin rolled his eyes at her as he looked at his watch for the hundreth time.

"Well, let's see. Oh yes, it's exactly three minutes since the LAST time you asked me."

Jordan gave him a disgusted look, mumbling, "Well, I'm nervous...excuuuuuse me."

Justin placed his arm on her shoulder and pulled her close, tipping her face toward his. "I know...I know.." he said, planting a gentle kiss on her tanned forehead. "He'll be here..don't worry."

"I'm not worried about whether he'll come or not. I'm worried about what will happen once he gets here." Jordan muttered under her breath.

"Jordan?" a man's voice called out from behind her. Turning slightly, she found the face that went along with the voice she had heard call out her name. Rising to her feet, she felt Justin stand up behind her as she took a deep breath and walked slowly toward her father.

Chapter 30