
"So what time do we have to go get our makeup and stuff done for Leno?" Tressa asked as she entered the main room of the suite where Jordan and Leigh sat, lounging comfortably.

"Um...I think around like 9:30 or something. I'm not positive on that though. I know as soon as Leno is over, we hurry our asses back to the hotel, pick up the boys and head to San Francisco." Leigh sighed tiredly, the plush couch enveloping her as she leaned back slowly.

"Yeah, it's like 9:30 that we have to be there." Jordan yawned. "So, if you guys don't mind, I'm gonna skip dinner and crash here for awhile."

"Are you sure you aren't hungry?" Leigh questioned, a concerned, motherly look spreading across her delicate features.

Jordan smiled brightly as she stifled another yawn. "Yeah, I'm sure...go ahead without me."

Leigh and Tressa turned to go as Jordan nestled comfortably on the couch near the television. "Oh hey..don't forget Rach..she's probably hungry by now." Jordan mumbled as she began drifting off.

"Where's she at?" Tressa asked impatiently.

"Um..I think she's still in her room...she's been in there quite awhile though, so I don't know if she's napping or what." Jordan said quickly, gesturing toward Rachel and Ashlee's room before closing her eyes.


Rachel hung up the phone, frustrated at her mother's response to the story of the man that had been bothering Jordan. She recalled the conversation with her mom as she presented the awkward question.

"Mom, seriously...do you know of ANYONE in the LA area that would want to see Jordan? She won't tell me who this man is..and he keeps showing up and upsetting her." Rachel explained carefully.

"Rachel, I really don't know who would try to contact her. Maybe you should mention something to Johnny. Perhaps he's just a fan of Eternity?" Karen, Jordan and Rachel's mother, replied.

"He's NOT a fan mother. She would tell me, or Johnny if some psycho was stalking her. OK?"

"Rachel, do not raise your voice to me. Without seeing this man, how am I supposed to take a guess as to who it is? I mean, there's only one person that I can think of, but it couldn't be him...it just couldn't."


"Nevermind. All of you are leaving LA tonight anyways...I am sure he won't bother Jordan anymore. So it's probably nothing to worry about. I'll talk to you later hon...good luck on Leno tonight." Karen said before hanging up the phone.

Rachel lay back on the bed, upset and tired, as Leigh and Tressa opened the door slightly. "Rach?" Leigh questioned gently, peering in at the lanky blonde.

"Yeah?" Rachel sighed slightly, sitting up to look at her friends.

"Wanna go eat with us?" Tressa asked, her face tired.

"Sure..just give me a second." Rachel said, getting off the bed slowly and reaching for her brush. Pulling her hair into a loose ponytail, she followed the two girls out of the room and down to the dining room that was reserved for N Sync and Eternity during their stay.


"Throw me a soda would ya Chris?" Joey asked, leaning back and putting his large feet on the coffee table. Sitting in the large suite, the five guys lounged on the chairs and couches, their luggage littering the entry way of the room as they waited for Leno to start. Rummaging around in the refrigerator, Chris' braided head emerged long enough to toss a Coke at Joey, barely missing Justin's head in the process.

"Watch it would ya?" Justin said grumpily, glaring back at the open refrigerator where Chris stood, still digging around inside.

"Maybe if you didn't have such a friggin big ass head, then I wouldn't have to watch it." Chris laughed loudly from behind the fridge door.

"Hey it's starting!" Lance said, interrupting Justin before he could respond, as the opening to Leno announced the guests for the evening, which included Eternity as the musical guest. Chris wandered over and sat down next to JC on the couch as Lance turned up the volume slightly.


"Now, singing 'Confessions of Love' from their self titled debut album...please welcome...Eternity!!" Jay boomed from behind his desk as the cameras cut to the five girls standing silent in their starting position.

Strains of 'Confessions of Love' started as the five girls began dancing in syncronization. Lifting the microphone to her lips, Jordan started off the song before the four others joined in, harmonizing perfectly.

Finishing the song without a mistake, the five girls bowed slightly and waved at the audience. Beaming, they made their way to the stage where Jay welcomed them with a handshake/hug and brief kiss on the cheek. Gesturing for the five girls to sit down, he resumed his place behind the large desk.


"Joey, you're drooling. Repeat after me. Rachel, although tall and blonde is NOT a twinkie." Chris laughed as Joey stared intently at the screen. Justin cracked a smile as the braided man laughed uncontrollably.

Giving Chris a dirty look, Joey shushed him. "The interview is starting. Shut your big hole would ya?"

"Ooooh testy aren't we?" Lance teased. "And we thought Justin was the only cranky one tonight." he said, ignoring the dirty look Justin shot him, and turned back to the television as Jay began the interview.


"So, I understand you girls are touring with the boyband N Sync..*girls scream in audience as Jay pauses slightly*..how's that going so far?" Jay asked curiously.

Ashlee grinned and spoke up, her voice perky as usual. "So far it's going really well. The guys have been fun to tour with. I think that it helps that we have gotten to be good friends with them, and so it's like they're our brothers..which makes the strenous schedule more bearable..ya know when everyone gets along." Leigh rolled her eyes slightly, recalling the many blowups Tressa and Ashlee had so far in the first leg of the tour.

Jay nodded thoughtfully before continuing, "So Rachel, how's your ankle...I know you hurt it in one of your early shows. How did that happen?"

Rachel tenderly touched her ankle before answering Jay's question. "Well, I slipped during a show and sprained it basically. But, I had messed it up during rehersal earlier that day..so..ya know. I'm a klutz. But it's aight now. Doin good..thanks for asking."

"One more question for you ladies before we have to go...Jordan, I have been bombarded with people begging me to ask you: Are you dating Justin Timberlake?" Jay prodded.

Jordan blushed immensely as her groupmates turned to stare at her. Glancing to the side of the soundstage, she saw Johnny waiting patiently for her answer. Looking back up at Jay, she stuttered slightly. "Um..Well, we have gotten to be really close friends...and I spend quite a bit of time with him."

Jay laughed, "Jordan, I think I've heard an answer similar to that before. Are you or aren't you? And no more 'guy answers'."

Jordan smiled slightly as she continued to blush. "Well, yeah..I guess you could say we are sort of an item. It's nothing serious...no one's getting married or anything. But yeah, if you want to call it dating, I suppose that I could say that's what it is."


The five guys sat silent, no one speaking after Jordan basically admitted to her and Justin dating casually. Finally, JC broke the ice, anger and jealousy flashing in his blue eyes. "Do you realize how pissed Johnny is going to be?? I cannot believe she just said that!"

Justin glanced at JC angrily, his already disgruntled temper flaring. "Man, WHAT is your problem? Why are you so worried about it? It doesn't affect you, so just butt out and mind your own business. Are you JEALOUS or something? Geez." he exploded, shaking his head. Getting up, he turned to walk away from his groupmate. "I mean seriously, you would think you have a thing for Jordan the way you are acting." Justin muttered, leaving JC standing openmouthed in front of Chris, Lance, and Joey who sat silent.

Chapter 32