
Avoiding Johnny's disappointed gazed, Jordan walked quickly to Eternity's bus, settling back in her seat as the rest of the group joined her. Leigh glanced at her friend, a concerned and confused look in her eyes, not sure of how or when she should approach the delicate issue that was just made public.

Stepping into the tour bus, Johnny rested his hand on Jordan's slender arm. "Jordan, later on when we arrive in San Francisco, I would like to have a word with you and Justin." he said sternly, his brown eyes angry, his voice controlled. Shaking his head in disappointment, he quickly sat down near the front of the bus and gruffly told the driver they were ready to return to the hotel to meet the boys.

Leigh turned to Jordan, "Ya know Jordan, that probably wasn't the smartest move you've ever made...admitting stuff like that on television. Did the media training we went through for all those months totally slip your mind or what?" she asked, her voice strained in frustration. "Doing something like that, especially since this is our first tour and our first album and stuff, wasn't good for the group. It could lead to some serious problems with our fans. Ya know?"

Jordan turned to her best friend, an angry and defensive tone to her voice. "Ya know, I'm sorry. Sorry for ruining things. Whatever. I got nervous and wasn't thinking...don't you think I realize how much shit we are gonna get now that I said that? Don't you think that by saying that, I might have ruined whatever I DID have with Justin?" she stated, her voice steady and controlled as she struggled to hold back anger and disappointment in herself, as well as the worry she felt about facing Justin.

Joining the conversation, Rachel threw in her two cents. "You don't need to get all pissed off Jordan. Leigh's right. You should have thought a little bit about what would happen after you said that. What you say affects so many more people than JUST you...just think about it a little."

Her hazel eyes filling with tears, Jordan turned to her sister, her voice choked up with emotion. "I SAID...I'm sorry. Ya know, instead, just forget about it. Forget I ever said it. I'll fix it, ok? I don't know what I will do to fix it, but I'll do something so you all can be happy again ok? Sheesh." Jordan folded her arms tightly and leaned back against the plush couch on the bus, indicating that the conversation was over.


JC stood silent for a few moments as Justin slammed the door to one of the bedrooms in their suite, before he shook his head and wandered into the kitchen area. Turning to the other three men, he looked at them with an exasperated expression on his chiseled face. "WhAt?!?" he asked, frustrated.

"Uh nothin man, nothin." Lance said as he and the others turned back to the television set, waiting for Johnny to call and tell them to start boarding the bus.


Justin ran his hand through his jumbled mass of curls as he stared at his reflection in the suite mirror. Sighing deeply, he glanced down at the dresser underneath the large mirror. Noticing the stack of pictures from the photo shoot in Phoenix sitting there, he began putting them back into the manilla envelope so they wouldn't be left behind. One of the pictures fell away from the large stack and fluttered to the floor slowly. Bending over to pick it up, Justin rose slowly as he gazed down at the photo in his hand. His clear blue eyes taking in Jordan's brilliant smile, he remembered how much he truly cared for her.

Sitting down on the edge of the unmade bed, he continued to stare at the photo. In the color picture, Jordan's hazel eyes sparkled with happiness as his own lips grazed her tanned cheek, his eyes shut in the midst of the kiss. Closing his eyes, he remembered the times she had cried in his embrace, the way her hair smelled, and the way he could make her smile through her tears with just a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I DO care about Jordan, so very much...but do I want to start admitting a possible relationship between us? Will this affect my career or the rest of the guys like JC seems to think? What's Johnny gonna say about this?' he wondered, his thoughts tangled as he attempted to sort through them.

"Hey man...Johnny just called and they're a few blocks away. We're supposed to get on the bus now, they are loading our luggage as we speak." Chris said softly, interrupting the blonde's thoughts as he peered in through the door.

Looking up, Justin met Chris' gaze before replying. "Aight, I'll be down in just a second." Standing up, he looked at the photo in his hand once more before placing it in the manilla envelope with the others, grabbing his backpack and leaving the large room.


Arriving back at the hotel, Eternity climbed off the bus to make sure they had everything from their suite before leaving for San Francisco. Jordan stood silent throughout the elevator ride to the top floor, and quickly checked her room before heading back down to the lobby where N Sync waited patiently.

The elevator doors opened with a slight ding, and Jordan emerged from the elevator alone. Seeing the guys of N Sync standing patiently near the glass doors of the lobby, she locked eyes with Justin. Giving her a strange and thoughtful look, he glanced away quickly, still unsure about what he wanted to do about the situation that had developed. Feeling her heart drop, Jordan willed herself not to cry. 'What have I done? I am such an idiot! First I blow off the main chance I have to get to know my father, and I am leaving LA without even a goodbye to the man who is a part of me whether I want him to be or not. Now I might have messed up the relationship with the only person that is there to listen, and understand what I am going through. Why is this happening to me?!?'

Continuing to walk toward the entrance in order to reboard the bus, Jordan avoided the gaze of the other four men who waited patiently by the door. Justin watched Jordan intently as she walked by them, and as N Sync followed her out of the front entrance of their hotel. Catching up to Jordan, he reached out for her shoulder, trying to get her attention so they could talk. 'What am I doing? I don't even know what I would say. Maybe I'll just talk to her later.' he thought, frowning. Changing his mind, he quickly turned away from her, almost knocking over JC as he fell into step with Chris and Lance.


Walking toward the bus, Jordan felt a stong hand clasp her shoulder. Hoping silently that it was Justin wanting to talk, she turned slowly, only to gaze into the chiseled face of JC. Confusion showing blatantly in her hazel eyes, she began to ask him what he wanted, but he spoke before the words could exit her mouth.

"Jordan, we need to talk. Alone." he said, his face serious and his jaw clenched slightly.

Chapter 33