"What's your problem dude? I said I don't want to hear a sob story about how you and Tyler had one of those 'here's looking at you kid' Casablanca moments before he left. Ok? So get the hell out wouldya?" Tressa scowled at Ashlee as the petite blonde pushed the door open with force.

Ashlee sighed heavily as she perched on the edge of the unmade hotel bed as Tressa stood across the room, glaring at her. "Tressa", she said, meeting Tressa's angry gaze with her eyes, "I didn't come in here to rub anything about Tyler in your face...I just wanted to apologize for everything. I don't really know what you have against me, if it was just the Tyler thing or if it's something else deeper, but I am so sorry. I just don't want to see this tour continue with us at each other's throats...especially when I feel like the group is falling apart because of everything with Jordan."

Tressa's eyes lowered slowly as she gazed at her folded arms, avoiding Ashlee's gaze. "I know...I feel the same way about us all falling apart. I don't know what to do about Jordan." she said thoughtfully, her anger fizzling out as her heart filled with concern for her friend.

"Can you please forgive me? The least we could do is agree to disagree.." Ashlee said, her voice pleading with Tressa.

"I can look past our differences in order to keep this group from coming totally unglued." Tressa replied slowly, "But at the same time, I can tell you that we still won't be buddy buddy. However, I will do whatever it takes to keep us from being just another pop sensation, 'one hit wonder' group that goes down the tubes. Ok?" she said.

"Alright." Ashlee smiled slowly before rising and leaving the room.


"Hey guys, I'll be right back, I'm gonna head down the hall and get a soda from the machine. You guys want anything?" Justin said, getting up from the sofa where he had plopped down after talking with Johnny.

"No thanks, I'm cool." Chris said, engrossed in a Sports Illustrated magazine.

Joey shook his head no as well, holding up a full glass. "Thanks but I've got a soda already." he stated, barely glancing away from the SI swimsuit issue he was drooling over.

"Aight.." the lanky blonde stepped out of the suite and began heading down the hall toward the vending machine, pausing slightly at Eternity's door. 'Nah, she doesn't know who she wants, and it seems like her and JC are awfully buddy buddy. Just back off like Jordan told JC she wanted me to' he thought, convincing himself not to knock and to continue on his way to the soda machine.


"Well Tyler, I'll see ya soon. Tell mom and dad I said hi, and that I send my love." JC said to his younger sibling as they hugged outside of the hotel before Tyler got in the limo that would take him to the airport.

"Alright. Tell Ashlee..I'm sorry. Ok? And tell the others I said goodbye, and good luck with the rest of the tour." Tyler replied as the driver opened the limosine door and he climbed in, waving one last time to his older brother.

JC stood and watched as the limo headed off to the airport before walking back inside the luxurious hotel. Once inside he made his way toward the elevator, bodyguard close behind, and pressed the number to get to N Sync and Eternity's floor.

The doors opened with a slight ding and JC stepped out, motioning to his bodyguard that he would be ok alone, and headed toward his room. Walking down the hallway, he noticed Justin making his way around the corner toward him, soda in hand. Ignoring his groupmate, JC stopped in front of Eternity's suite and raised his hand to knock as Justin approached.


"What are you doing?" Justin questioned JC as he noticed him about to knock on the suite door. JC turned toward him with a smirk on his handsome face.

"I have to talk to Jordan. Is that ok with you loverboy?" he said haughtily.

Justin clenched his jaw. "Look JC, just answer me one question. What the hell is your problem??"

"You really wanna know?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Justin replied quickly, rolling his eyes in frustration.

JC's voice rose a couple notches, "You got with Jordan to spite me, you don't love her. It's that simple."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Justin squeaked out in disbelief.

As anger flowed through his body, JC took a deep breath. "Would you like me put it more simply so you can understand? I gave all of you guys signals that I was into Jordan...and you went after her anyways. I was the one that first spent any time with her when the girls came down to Orlando and Lou introduced us to them. YOU spent all your time hanging out with Chris then...and didn't care at all about who Jordan was. All you wanted to do was perform and hang out with your buddies. I was the one that always invited her to go to the beach and over for movies at the house, not you. The ONLY reason you got to know Jordan was because you knew that I liked her and wanted to date her!"

Justin's temper flared as JC's reasons came pouring out. "What the HELL are you talking about? I never knew you liked the girl, and I bet you money that none of the other guys did either. You are SO pathetic JC!! What, did it take you like all day to come up with those reasons as to why it's MY fault that you don't have Jordan right now? I thought we were best friends, and that we knew each other well enough that if you liked her, you would have said something a long time ago!! This is so ridiculous...I honestly can't believe you. How can you be so bitter about something that I didn't do on purpose?! I don't get it, I just don't understand you." he finished, shaking his head in frustration.


Jordan bent over to tie the shoestrings of her Adidas superstars. "Stupid shoes, always coming untied." she muttered. Looking in the mirror, she sighed, 'Man I look like such a mess. I hope the girls in makeup can help me out tonight for the show!' she thought to herself, making a face at her red nose and bloodshot eyes.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and she opened it to find Leigh standing akwardly out in the main room of the suite. "You ok girl?" she pressed, glancing at her curiously. "Johnny called and said we have to get ready to head to the venue in about ten minutes."

"Yeah I'm alright, sorta. Either way, I don't have time to talk about it right now." Jordan said, smiling half-heartedly at her best friend, trying to let her know things were alright.

Leigh gazed at her skeptically, "Okay.." she trailed off before turning and grabbing her coat off of the plush couch.

"Uhh, hey Jordan?" Rachel said quietly from her position near the door leading out into the hallway.


Rachel glanced at her sister apologetically. "I know that you don't really need this right now, but there's something going on out here that you might want to hear."

"Not to mention possibly intervene.." Tressa muttered worriedly as she placed her head near the door once more.

"Ok.." Jordan said warily as she made her way over to the entrance to their room and silently placed her ear near the door.

Chapter 37