"Oh shit, who could be calling me now?" Jordan stopped abruptly as the two singing groups made their way out of McDonald's, bodyguards and Johnny in tow.

"Aghh!" Tressa said loudly, bumping into Jordan.

"Sorry. My phone's ringing. You guys get on the bus, I'll be on in just a second." Jordan motioned with her hand, looking at Tressa apologetically once more. "Hello?" she said loudly into the cell as the rest of the two groups walked past her and got on the buses, leaving only a bodyguard lingering nearby.


"Nope, this is Mariah Carey. You must have the wrong number. Of COURSE this is Jordan. Who dis?" she laughed, in a joking mood for the first time in a long time.

"It's Mo! What up foo?"

"Well I'm in the parking lot of a Mickey D's right now. We're on our way to Seattle. Is something wrong? What did you call for?"

"Sorreeee if I wanted to say what's up to my favorite little Starlet. My bad." Mo giggled on the other line.

Jordan struggled to hear her friend as the reception on the phone started getting bad. Holding the phone tightly to her ear, she covered the other ear with her hand as she glanced toward the buses. Lance and Leigh were standing between the buses, avoiding the windows where Johnny might be able to view them. Jordan felt a lump of jealousy rise in her throat as Lance leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Leigh's lips. Jordan's eyes welled up with tears as she watched her friend, happy for the two of them, but missing Justin more than ever.

"Jordan? You still there?" Mo said, interrupting Jordan's thoughts.

"Yeah..sorry. I was spacing out there. What did you say?"

"I just asked how things were going with Justin and all...I saw Leno, and there's rumors floating around on the Net. You know how that works..." she trailed off.

Jordan replied knowingly, "Yeah I do...unfortunately. I hate rumors on there you know."

"Yeah I know...sooo...how's Justin?"

"Not good. Look, Mo, I can't really talk right now...the buses are waiting on me. I'll call you soon. Bye girl." Jordan said abruptly, not wanting to discuss Justin as she still struggled to hold back her tears. She didn't even wait for Mo's response before quickly shut off her phone and heading silently toward the bus, boarding right behind Leigh.


"Soo...Rach...PLEASE tell me what's going on with you and Mr. Fatone?" Leigh pressed as the two girls sat in the back of the bus.

Flipping through the channels, Rachel smirked. "Nothing is going on with me and ANY Fatone. ESPECIALLY the scary one with the videocamera attached to his face. Yikes. Has he ever thought of having that thing removed?"

"Uhh..I don't think it's attached. I could be wrong...in fact, come to think of it...you MIGHT be right. I don't think I have ever seen that kid without that damn camera on his face. Hmmm." Leigh said thoughtfully, before busting out with laughter.

"Why are you laughing? I'm being totally serious. I think it IS attached to his face. Possibly an abnormal growth that he really should get checked out. They can do wonders with surgery these days." Rachel said, struggling to remain serious.

Leigh clutched her sides, "No really Rach, YOU girl, are too damn funny. BUT, I better go to bed before I bust something laughing this hard. Plus we'll pry wake up Tressa, Ashlee, and your sister if we keep this up much longer."

"Aww..party pooper. Why won't you ever talk about what your deal is with Lancers?" Rach pressed, not letting Leigh get off the hook so easily.

Leigh blushed, "No fair! You dance around any Joey questions, but I am forced to answer you when you get the nosy thing goin? I don't THINK so!" she protested.

"Oh come on. Have you two kissed yet or what? Cuz if you haven't, I seriously would think he's...gay." she said, lowering her voice to a whisper as she ended her sentence, simultaneously looking around in mock suspicion.

Giggling, the dark haired beauty swatted at the tall blonde. "Would you stop it please?"

Rachel sat back up straight and wiggled her eyebrows. "Stop what?!" she said innocently.

"Nevermind. Anyhow I GUESS I will break down and answer your question. Yes we've kissed..." she trailed off, a dreamy look in her dark eyes.


"I like him a lot..but we aren't sure what to do...cuz of Johnny. You know..." Leigh commented, frowning slightly, before perking back up again as she continued talking about Lance. "He's soo sweet though Rach, you wouldn't believe it...."

Jordan lay silently in bed, trying to block out the two jubiliant voices that drifted in from the back lounge. 'I wish I was that happy again...but I don't know how I can get Justin to talk to me...everything is so messed up' she thought to herself as she rolled over and fell into a restless sleep.


"Oh man, today's been the longest day!!" Joey sighed, walking into the back of the bus where Chris and Lance sat watching an old 80's movie on TV. He looked around before plopping down onto the empty couch, "Where's JC and Justin?"

Chris replied, not removing his eyes from the TV screen, "Justin's sleeping and JC's trying to shift that stick up his ass into drive."

Joey and Lance snorted with laughter and shook their heads in disbelief. Chris continued, "No really guys, can't you hear him? 'Ahhhh I'm supposed to be in four, not three.' Shift the goddamn gears buckaroo."

Laughter filled the small back room of the tour bus, "Oh man, you crack me up. Why'd Justin hit the sack so early?" Joey asked his groupmates.

"Dunno...something happened between him and JC earlier today. I think it has to do with Jordan. Some big blowout in the hotel before we took off for the show. Who knows...now none of them are talking to each other, and BARELY talking to anyone else." Lance explained carefully.

"I gotcha.." Joey said, grabbing a magazine off the floor and began flipping through it.

"Hey look Joey! You're on TV!" Chris exclaimed, chuckling slightly.


"A HAHAHAHAHAH it's Pepe...Pepe Le Pew!" Chris shouted, laughing obnoxiously.

Joey rolled his eyes, "Very funny. You're so hilarious. Why don't you just become a comedian?"

Chris stopped laughing abruptly, "Sorry man. Anyhow...wanna spill about what's up with you and Rachel? Looks like she's finally starting to give you a little attention."

"You think so?" Joey said eagerly, his eyes lighting up.

"Nah..I'm just kidding. Good reaction though, glad to see your reflexes are still finely tuned."

"Oh." the Italian said, his tone slightly disappointed.

"That was mean dude...cruel and cold hearted to get his hopes up like that. But damn funny." Lance said, with a wide smile. "Honestly though Joe, I think she might be coming around. Don't give up just yet."

Joe just nodded as he resumed paging through the magazine. "So...Lance...tell me...how's Leigh?" Chris prodded his friend for info.

"She's good...very beautiful, sweet, considerate, fun...." he sighed as his eyes glazed over dreamily. "I don't know whether to pursue it because I don't want management upset with me, but I really like her..."

Justin tossed and turned in his sleep, doing everything he could to try and block out his groupmates conversation. 'Why did JC have to screw with everything? I love Jordan and I feel so horrible not talking to her...I just wish it all hadn't gotten so messed up.' he thought before covering his curly head with a pillow and drifting off once more.

Chapter 39