"Yo, my peeps. I got two words for ya: 'Breakthrough video'...we gots the fish eye lens, makes ya look all FREAKY." Rachel said, laughing into the phone. She looked through the peep hole once more. Justin and Chris were taking turns coming up close to the lens, making weird faces. It was really comedic through the peep hole which distorted their faces considerably.

"Hey..let us in!!" Joey banged on the door with his fist, sticking his eye near the lens, which made Rachel giggle uncontrollably and back away from the door.

The other girls were rolling on the floor laughing, while Rachel was teasing Chris on the phone. "I don't think I know a Chris. Are you Chris Kirkpatrick?"

"YES" he shouted through the door as well as into the phone.

"Now let us in fool!" Justin said loudly.

"Fine, fine...but only if you let us direct your 'Breakthrough video'...with a fish eye lens used frequently. You guys really look...uh... attractive..with that angle." Rachel rolled her eyes, and then turned her back to the laughing girls to open the door.

The five guys bounded in, as the girls tried to contain their laughter. Tressa smirked, still picturing Chris' face in the fish eye lens of the peep hole. "So boys, what may I ask are you doing here?" She questioned them, but began getting annoyed because they weren't listening to a word she said. She pouted as she surveyed the room, trying to take in what everyone was doing.

Justin had sat down on the dresser next to Jordan's chair and had leaned in close to hear what she was saying. Joey and Chris were sitting on the small sofa, flipping through the channels on tv. Lance and Leigh were standing at the bar, talking intently. Rachel, JC, and Ashlee were goofing around...trying to do some weird dance move thing. Tressa smiled and burst out laughing as Rachel flipped over the back of the couch. Her long legs went flying, and she almost landed in Joey's lap. At Tressa's outburst, Justin looked up sharply.

"Yo! Rachel, what the HELL are you doing over there?" Justin asked laughing.

"I was trying to show JC that it IS possible to do an 'I Want You Back' flip WITHOUT a partner." Rachel answered redfaced, struggling to get up from her awkward position on the couch. JC started laughing, and ran back a few steps, then returned to where he was standing. She shot JC a dirty look, and then Joey as he attempted to help her up.

"What was THAT look for woman? I was just trying to help you up!" Joey looked hurt as she brushed his hand away.

"Nothin...I can get up on my own...but thanks I guess." Rachel grinned at Joey, trying to make him feel better.

"Oh ok." Joey smiled back, then turned to the television once more.

"So, what are you guys here for?" Jordan questioned Justin, as she pulled her brown hair into a loose ponytail.

"We are here for the day. We had a radio show here in NYC this morning, and we just thought we would see what you guys were doin, so we called Lou and got where you were stayin along with your schedule. We knew you would be back by now, so we stopped in to say wasup. Plus, we are on the same plane as you guys back to Orlando tonight." Justin explained.

"Ahh, so that's it...you wanted some strong girls to carry your luggage through the airport huh?" Jordan joked.

"Strong girls? Where would I find them?" Justin prodded Jordan's bicep and grinned crookedly.

"Hey now! You haven't gotten a piece of this...I am a bonerfried...I mean BONAFIED strong girl at your service." Rachel broke into their conversation, flexing her right arm in Justin's general direction.

"Hey guys, I am starving!" Joey said, not taking his eyes off the infomercial he and Chris were watching.

"Joey, that's the first intelligent thing you have said all day." Tressa replied dryly. "And I haven't even been around you all day...now what does that tell ya?"

"Yeah, I am getting kind of hungry. What time do we have to be at the airport? Does anyone know?" Jordan questioned, directing her gaze at Lance and Leigh, who were still standing by the bar.

"9:00" Lance and Leigh said simultaneously.

"Um...thanks guys." Justin said, laughing gently.

"So do you guys wanna go eat or what?" Tressa prodded. "We have like 2 hours before we have to be there."

"Yeah, let's go before Joey eats me." said Chris as he jumped over the back of the couch.

As everyone grabbed their stuff, Lance and Chris led the way down the hall. Suddenly, Rachel burst between Justin, Joey, and Jordan, racing at top speed toward Lance. Joey looked back to see Ashlee and JC giggling and pointing at the blonde.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Joey questioned, looking confused.

"Aghh!" Lance said sharply as Rachel jumped on his back.

"Giddy up Lancie!" Rachel laughed as she spanked him lightly on the butt, then looked back at the group playfully. Everyone started cracking up as Lance attempted to trot down the hallway toward the elevator, but struggled under the weight of the slender, but lanky blonde.

"You are a slow horse...are you sure you aren't dying?" she giggled as she slid off his back onto solid ground.

"I might be now!" Lance smiled sweetly at her, then began laughing at her crazy antics. "Ya know Rach, you are the weirdest person I have ever met."

"They dared me to!" Rachel protested, pointing at Ashlee and JC, who quickly turned a bright shade of red from holding in laughter.

"You guys are worse than Chris!" Leigh teased JC and Ashlee.

"Hey I resent that statement" Chris said, turning around to glare at Leigh before smiling to show he was kidding as usual.

"It is absolutely freezing outside." Tressa complained as the group walked out of the hotel and stepped into the awaiting limo.

"Do ya want a sweatshirt?" Joey asked, putting his arm around her bare shoulders. "Ya know, a tank top isn't the best thing to wear at night this early in the summer."

"Tell me something I don't know." Tressa laughed as she climbed into the limo and stretched out her legs.

"Where to guys?" the limo driver asked patiently.

"Um...surprise us. We need to grab something fast though, so don't make it a fancy place." JC said matter of factly.

"You got it sir." the driver said as he rolled up the partition and pulled out of the hotel parking lot.


Chapter 5