Justin gazed at Jordan, his heart almost breaking as he noticed a tear drip down her cheek. He spoke softly, his voice cracking slightly as he struggled to keep his composure. "Jordan..."

The brunette looked up briefly, sniffling and wiping away the tears that flowed out of her eyes like tiny rivers. Meeting Justin's blue eyes, she held his gaze for only a moment before looking away again, concentrating hard on the patterns of the carpeted floor.

Justin continued, "Jordan, if you only knew how much I care about you. How much this breaks my heart to see you so upset...how hard these past few days have been without being able to talk to you."

Jordan started to protest, "I tried to talk to you Justin. I did! But you turned away from me, saying I should just go talk to JC." she countered, her eyes still locked on the floor.

Repressing the urge to approach her and hold her in his arms to reassure her of his feelings, Justin sighed quietly. "Jordan...what's done is done. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me most...after the Leno thing, getting yelled at by Johnny and all. And your dad...I know how hard that's been on you, even when you pretend it's okay. It's not...and I should have been there for you to lean on, but I wasn't...and for that I am so sorry."

Jordan closed her eyes tightly, wishing she could change everything that had happened between them lately.

"Please...let me be there for you?" Justin said, carefully moving toward Jordan whose body was shaking as she sobbed silently. Kneeling down in front of her, he placed a strong hand on her trembling shoulder. "Jordan..." he said, tilting her tearstained face up so he could look into her large hazel eyes.

As she looked into his eyes, Justin's heart melted, and he began singing softly.

"When clouds above you start to pour

And all of your doubts

Rage like a storm

And you don't know who you are anymore

Let me help you find what you've been searching for


Somewhere there's a field and a river


You can let your soul run free


"What's he doing in there? Can you hear anything???" Val pressed her head against the wall as Mo and Lance had their ears smooshed against the door to the room.

"Shhhhh!" two voices whispered loudly.

"I think I hear....singing?!?" Mo said, confused. "Shouldn't they be uh...talking?"

"Be quiet, what song is he singin?" Lance asked, shooting Mo a dirty look as he silenced her.

"Somewhere Someday..." Val said, her eyes misty. "What a perfectly beautiful song, not to mention fitting for the occasion." Mo looked over at her friend and rolled her eyes. "See Mo, I need me a guy like that." She commented before placing her ear back up against the white wall.



Someday let me be the giver

Let me bring you peace


Somewhere there's a break in the weather


Where your heart and spirit go free


Someday it'll be for the better

Let this bring you peace

Girl, I know you, think no one sees

The weight on your shoulders

But you can't fool me

And aren't you tired of standing so tall

Let me be the one to catch you when you fall


Somewhere there's a field and a river


You can let your soul run free


Someday let me be the giver

Let me bring you peace baby


Somewhere there's a break in the weather


Where your heart and spirit go free


Someday it'll be for the better

Let this bring you peace...

Let me bring you joy (bring you joy)

Let me bring you peace (bring you peace)

Take these tears that you cry and trust them to me

Let me give you heart (give you heart)

And let me give you hope (give you hope)

Be the one constant love that you've never known..." Justin trailed off as Jordan sat and looked into his eyes, tears making their way down her cheeks. Not knowing what more he could say, Justin smiled slightly as he pulled her slowly off of the bed and held her tightly in his lap.

Jordan allowed Justin to slide her off of the bed and into his strong arms as she cried, immediately burying her head into his shoulder. As the two sat there on the floor, Jordan sorted quickly through the memories she'd had with the young man who now held her and comforted her.

Smiling slightly through her tears, she recalled the first time they met in person. She had walked into the studio and there he was...Justin R. Timberlake. When he looked up, their eyes met, and he smiled brightly right before she almost tripped over some equipment because she was staring at him.

The night when they were at the club filled her thoughts next. She remembered that when they kissed, she felt something special. That feeling when you think you could laugh and cry at the same time, because you're SO happy.

Sighing gently, Jordan recalled the night she told Justin about her father...how he held her in his arms and made her feel so safe. And how she knew at that very moment that she cared more for him than she had cared for anyone in a very long time.


Justin brushed a few tears from his own cheeks before looking down at the brunette in his arms. As he brushed her hair back out of her face, he whispered gently, "I love you..."

Jordan smiled through the mist of tears that still flowed from her hazel eyes. "I love you too.." she said, her voice barely audible.

Justin smiled at the sound of those words and tilted Jordan's face toward his once more. "Jordan...no matter what you do, I'm sticking with you. No matter how bad things get, or how much I feel that you don't want me there for you, I'm going to be there. So basically, you're stuck with me kiddo. I hope you don't mind." he said, a boyish grin sliding across his face.

"Not in the least." Jordan said, a broad smile appearing as she embraced Justin tightly. The blonde hugged Jordan just as tightly, before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Chapter 41