
After spending a good 10 minutes trying to keep her distance from a very giddy Mo, Jordan darted playfully through the crowd in an attempt to avoid her friend. Not watching where she was going however, caught up with her as she turned quickly and found her head implanted in some man's chest.

Worrying that it was someone really important, Jordan was almost afraid to look up. Utterly embarassed, she blushed a bright red before gazing up at a man with highlights as red as her face. "Problems?" he laughed, a slight Brooklyn accent coming through as he spoke.

"Whew, Joey, it's only you. I thought maybe I bumped into someone REALLY important." Jordan grinned up at him, indicating that she was only teasing. "But please! Save me from Mo!" she insisted, moving behind him and holding onto the side of his shirt as if that would keep him from revealing her hiding place.

"Muah ha ha! You can never disappear from Mo...aka Superdork!" she said, finally catching up to Jordan and striking a pose with one hand on her hip, the other in a Saturday Night Fever motion.

Jordan rolled her eyes at her friend, "Ya know girl, you really are a freak. I think that's why you and big Joe here are so convincing." she said, playfully patting Joey's stomach. As Joey pulled Mo in towards his body and began giving her a noogie, Jordan smiled and remembered the 'plan' Mo had concocted in order to help Joey out with his woman troubles.


"Ahem", as Joey, Jordan, Ashlee, and Justin creeped through the hotel hallway, they heard a female sternly clearing her throat.

Justin stopped abruptly and turned, preparing to sprint down the hall if it was any form of rabid teeny, as Mo stepped out of the vending room. "Going somewhere?"

"Uhhh...where am I?" Joey rubbed his eyes in a sorry attempt at convincing Mo that he was just out for a midnight stroll...sleepwalking of course.

Mo rolled her eyes, "Nice try Joe. Unfortunately, for you, you're in the hallway. Even more unfortunately for you...I'm out here getting a soda." she held up her right hand which was grasping a ginger ale from the machine. "Do you know what that means?"

All four of the "escapees" groaned as Jordan spoke up in a discouraged voice. "You're gonna tell Johnny that we're sneaking out to go to a club with no bodyguards...which isn't true by the way! Tiny went to go get us the limo..he's coming with! In any case, we're in trouble. That's what that means."

"Unfortunately for all of you yet AGAIN...you're wrong. It's 1 am. We're in Las freaking Vegas...and I wanna go get jiggy baby!"

The four of them stood there in utter shock as Mo started gesturing wildly and talking fast. "Okay ya'll...give me like FIVE minutes...I just have to change really quick. We can go to Rum Jungle for Joey, Studio 54 for Jordan, and wherever else ya'll wanna go. So just wait k? Be right back!" Mo said brightly before racing to her room, while the four pop stars still stood there dumbly in the hallway.

Five minutes and a limo ride after, the five entered Rum Jungle and immediately Ashlee headed out to the dance floor to shake her thang while the others sat down at a table to order some drinks.

"Ya know Mo, you really did have me thinking we were in some major trouble up there earlier." Justin commented as they waited. "I mean it took Ashlee and Jordan some major puppy dog eyes just to get Tiny to agree to come with us...I thought all their hard work was for nothing when you stopped us."

"Well...that's my job. To scare the pants off of you people and then shock the hell out of you by just making you take me with you!" Mo giggled like a little girl.

"And you do a damn good job of it." Jordan said smiling over the drink that the waitress had just brought over.

Suddenly Juvenile's "Back Dat Ass Up" began playing and Justin grabbed Jordan's arm and dragged her out of the chair she was occupying. "C'mon!" he said excitedly as he began singing along and the two of them backed their asses out onto the dance floor, leaving Joey and Mo alone.

"Question." Mo said, stirring her drink and glancing at Joey.

"Answer?" the Italian said, confused.

"No...I have a question for you. What's your problem boy?"

Joey, still looking confused, replied, "Well, it kinda pisses me off that I don't get many solos, Steve's hogging all of my fans, everyone thinks I'm dumb..."

"No." Mo interrupted, "I'm talking your girl problem. Jordan tells me you like her sister?"

"Yeah" Joey said sheepishly, "I just don't know what else to do...right when I think I'm making some progress, I find out I'm not."

Her eyes flashing mischeviously, Mo crooked a finger at Joey, motioning him closer. In a hushed tone, she began explaining her plan simply and quickly, Joey listening intently and nodding along as she talked.

"Oooh is this a secret meeting or can anyone join?" Jordan sat down, a little bit sweaty from her dancing with Justin, whom she had left on the dance floor while she took a break.

Mo looked at her friend before glancing at Joey, a devilish look playing on her features. "Well...it's kinda complicated, but I suppose you should know about it cuz she IS your sister."

Jordan groaned, "A plan to make her your love slave eh Joe? Let's hear it...this should be good."

Mo leaned in and began to divulge the workings of the plan she devised in order to help Joey out. "...So you see, if Joey pretends he's interested in another girl, one that's non-threatening...a friend if you will, then Rachel will see what she's missing. Therefore fall right into our trap and profess her feelings for him in order to get him before he gets too 'serious' about his new conquest."

"Which will be who?" Jordan asked, interested.

"Me!" Mo said proudly, figuring that even if the plan didn't work, she would be doing a good deed by trying to help Joey.

"I gotcha. Well, I hope it works out for ya Joey...and I'll keep it a secret...but if it backfires on you guys, ya nuts, then I'm not claiming ANY responsiblity." Jordan said, shaking her head as she laughed. "And now I must go make sure Justin's staying out of trouble...Ashlee too. You guys coming?"

The two at the table nodded enthusiastically before following Jordan out to the dance floor, each confident that their plan would work.


Jordan snapped back to reality as someone bumped into her from behind. As she turned she saw arms flailing about as if someone was having an epileptic seizure. 'JC', she thought as she continued witnessing the spastic dance moves. As the ball of energy swung toward her again, she grabbed his skinny arm. "Yo, crack boy. You might wanna take a break before you hurt someone!" Jordan said with minor concern as Joey released Mo and the two began laughing.

"Sorry sorry." JC smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay...I'll just have my chiropractor bill you for the whiplash you gave me when you bumped into me. No worries." Jordan teased. "Oh hey have you seen Justin?"

"Actually he was just looking for you over by the bar." Joey spoke up, gesturing to where Jordan had originally came from, prior to Mo's antics.

Jordan nodded and said thanks before heading over to the bar where she finally found Justin, who proceeded to drag her out to where some people were dancing to the blaring music.

"I know I already told you, but congratulations on your award tonight...and also you looked really beautiful. Still do." Justin said, leaning in to brush Jordan's cheek with his lips.

Jordan blushed slightly, "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself," she smiled, tugging gently on the bushy curls sprouting from his head.

Justin grinned back at her, but then looked at her questioningly as her face fell before she plastered on a brilliant fake smile. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to see who could possibly make Jordan react in such a way.

The girl stood behind him in a skimpy silver cropped shirt and tight white pants, her blonde hair straightened to perfection and a mega-watt smile pasted on her tanned face as she greeted him in a sultry voice. "Hi Justin..."

Chapter 44