Joey spoke up first, "There's no way that the girls could join us on tour after they finish their album? That way it could be a double-headlining tour instead of having..." he paused as he glanced down at the white paper. Looking back up at Johnny, he wrinkled his nose in disgust, "...Aaron Carter open for us."

Johnny laughed slightly as the others looked up at him expectantly. "I'm sorry you feel that way Joe," he commented about the lack of enthusiasm toward the opening act that had been chosen. "But a double-headlining tour halfway through isn't possible. First of all, Jive does their ticket sales just a little bit differently, so the price is set and tickets are sold in one weekend for the entire tour. It wouldn't be cost effective for Jive to set the ticket prices for one headliner, and then add another headliner later for the exact same price."

"It's just not smart business..." Lance muttered under his breath, upset about the separation as well.

"That's right." their manager replied, happy someone understood even if they didn't approve. "Girls, did you have any questions about your schedule? It's pretty self explanatory I should'll be in LA for a little while and then have some time off before we start meetings and production for your new album."

Leigh smiled tightly at Johnny, "Nope, I think we've got it all. I just am going to miss tour life...and the guys."

Johnny nodded sympathetically, "And from the looks on everyone's faces, I think they all agree with you there Leigh." Rubbing his hands together, he finished the short meeting, "Well if there aren't any other questions, I guess that puts an end to the meeting for tonight. Enjoy your days off, and I'll stop by the hotel sometime within the next few days."

The ten individuals stood and gathered up their schedules before saying good night to Johnny and walking listlessly out of the Jive offices to their limo.

"This really sucks." Rachel said, leaning her head on Joey's shoulder as they sat in the limo on their way to the hotel.

Joey looked down in surprise, but dismissed her actions as any type of interest in him when he saw the sad, far-away look in her blue eyes.

"You don't have to tell me twice..." Jordan said, looking around the limo at the five male faces that she had grown so close to, and would miss so terribly in the upcoming months.

"Well you guys have it lucky," Chris commented. "We have to tour with Aaron Carter!"

"Good point." Tressa commented dryly. "Not only is he BSB member Nick's younger brother, but his music isn't exactly the "dirty pop" thing you're going for with your new album...BUT since he's releasing his US album soon, I can see why they want to get him out on someone's tour."

"Tru dat" Justin said, before breaking out in a wide grin. "Look on the bright side...all of us being apart gives new meaning to 'Digital Getdown'." he wiggled his eyebrows as everyone laughed in reference to the sexual song that was to be on their new album.

"You've been dying to use that in a sentence haven't you?" Jordan said, rolling her eyes but giving him a bright smile to show she was teasing, and Justin nodded sheepishly in reply.

Leigh spoke up quietly, directing her gaze at the spikey blonde sitting across from her, "We really should enjoy these last few days together...even if we just chill in the hotel."

Lance nodded silently in agreement as the other murmured their "okay's". Then the limo fell silent as each member of the two groups sat back and thought about how hard the upcoming months were going to be without seeing their best friends.


"Hey what's up?" Mo asked, opening the door to Eternity's suite.

Jordan peered over the back of the large maroon couch and propped herself up with her elbow. "Hey Mo." she said unenthusiastically.

"Well I love you too girl. Why the long faces? I just saw Joey heading for the soda machine and he looked like his whole family just died." The dark haired woman walked into the room, shutting the door behind her and plopping down cross legged on the carpeted floor.

Justin looked up from the magazine he was reading intently, "We got our schedules tonight."

Not totally understanding the problem, Mo rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, not enough time between the soundcheck and the show for you to rake out your snarls and find a matching bandana for every outfit you own?"

Not even bothering to crack a smile, Justin stared at Mo, his eyes expressionless. "No."

"Jordan, wanna help me out here? What crawled up HIS butt? Is it contagious?" she laughed slightly at her own joke.

Jordan frowned as she sat up straight on the couch, removing her long legs from Justin's lap, "Sorry Mo, we're just kinda down cuz Johnny showed us our schedule and he separated us. You didn't know?"

Mo's face fell as she realized how upset her friends were about the coming separation. "Oh Honeybear..." she addressed Jordan, using one of the many pet names she had for her 'girls', "I'm so sorry...I didn't realize Eternity wasn't on the tour. All Johnny told me is that once we got to Orlando, I'd have some things to do in the office before we headed out on tour again. I just assumed that ya'll would be with us too..." she trailed off before moving quickly to give Jordan a tight squeeze. "Justin, I'm sorry about the teasing...I didn't know." she replied, before reaching over to give him a hug as well.

"It's okay." Justin explained, "I was in a joking mood before, but then everyone got quiet in the limo...and once we got back here, everybody kinda wanted to be alone. So the vibe just kinda got really depressing around here."

"I understand. Did you guys want to be alone? I can leave..." she trailed off, gesturing toward the door.

"Actually I think we're gonna head down to get something to drink in a little bit..." Jordan started.

Mo smiled in understanding, "Okay. Well if you guys need to talk or anything, I'll be in my room. I think I might give Val a call and see if she wants to come over here since she's just a few minutes away."

"Tell her I said hey...and if she wants she can stop by later and knock...ya know, see if I'm here. I'd like to see her." Jordan replied, trying to remember the last time she'd seen her good friend.

Walking toward the suite door, Mo turned back toward the couch where the two sat, "Okay, I'll do that. Night guys." She said before entering the hallway and closing the door behind her.


"Is Lance there?"

JC sounded confused, "Yes he is...Leigh? Is that you?"

Leigh spoke up slightly. "Yeah, it's me. I just can't sleep and was wondering if he wanted to go down to the lobby and get something to drink."

"Oh okay, one moment and I'll get him for you."

Leigh sat patiently as she heard JC call for Lance. Moments later, a deep bass voice with a slight Southern twang spoke. "Hello?"

"Lance...hey it's Leigh. Did I wake you?"

"No...I was just laying there trying to sleep but needless to say it wasn't working. What's up?"

Feeling rather embarassed since it was so late, Leigh asked softly, "Would you like to go to the lobby to get something to drink?"


"Oh you don't have to if you don't want...I just couldn't sleep either and thought maybe you'd like to join me." she interrupted nervously, not sure if it was too forward of her to call. Although Lance and her had kissed, and gone out a couple times, lately things hadn't been progressing between the two.

"Don't be silly, of course I want to. I'll come get you in just a few minutes okay? Do you think we need someone with us?" he asked, referring to their security personnel.

"Um, good question. I think we should be alright...since it's so late and all."

"Okay, see you in a few."

"K. Bye." Leigh said, hanging up the phone.

About five minutes later, Leigh heard a soft knock on the door. She smiled shyly as she opened it to see Lance, his blonde spikes slightly disheveled from his attempt at sleep, but the combination of that, his baggy jeans, and his wrinkled Abercrombie baseball shirt, he looked adorable. "Hey..." she said softly.

"Sorry if I look like I just crawled out of bed," he drawled, "...cuz I did!"

Leigh laughed and looked down at her own wrinkled tshirt and jeans. "It's okay, same here."

Lance smiled at her and then gestured toward the elevator, "Ready to head down then?"

"Yep." Leigh said, following him to the elevator, which after a few moments, opened with a slight ding.

The doors opened within the lavish hotel lobby, and the pair stepped out and headed toward the coffee shop that was secluded in the corner with lush plants surrounding the glass windows. "I guess we didn't have to bring security..." he commented, nodding in the direction of the third table where Lonnie sat, his eyes drooping tiredly. A few tables back from the large man were Justin and Jordan, clad in baseball caps, their hands cupping large mugs of steaming coffee as they talked intently.

"Did you want to sit with them?" Leigh asked, hoping he wouldn't so they could talk alone.

Lance gazed over at their friends, "Only if you want kinda seems like they want to be alone." he said, shrugging his broad shoulders.

Leigh smiled up at him, "No, it's okay...we can sit over here and let them have some time by themselves." Hearing Leigh's voice, Lonnie looked up sharply as though they had woken him from a deep sleep. "Sleeping on the job there Lonnie?" she teased as they sat at a table near the entrance to the cafe.

Lonnie just smiled before looking down at his watch and shaking his head at the two of them. "You two don't think you need a babysitter this late huh?" he joked, referring to the security team as child care providers.

"We figured it was late enough we didn't need supervison." Lance explained, grinning.

"I guess we're just not as popular as those two over there." Leigh said loud enough for Jordan and Justin to hear her. Lonnie laughed before erupting into a full out yawn, while Jordan and Justin looked up from their conversation and waved at Lance and Leigh before resuming whatever it was they were discussing.

"May I get you two something?" the waitress asked politely.

They ordered, and waited for their beverages to be brought to them while they talked. "So...have you accepted the fact that we're all gonna be separated yet?" Lance asked, nodding his thank you to the waitress as she placed a hot mug in front of him.

"Accepted...yes. Gotten used to the I just wish there was something we could do. I know we need to establish Eternity away from N Sync, as our own group, but I'm wondering if being associated with five guys that are extremely talented and that we all adore, is so bad." Leigh replied, her gaze locked on Lance.

Lance smiled at her shyly, "So you're gonna miss me?"

Not sure how she should answer, Leigh directed her gaze down at her mug momentarily before glancing back up at Lance's hypnotizing green eyes. "Yeah...I am."

"I'm glad to hear that," he started, "not that I am glad you'll miss me, but that you WILL miss me. Did that make sense or am I just really tired?"

"No, I think I got what you're sayin." Leigh laughed slightly.

"I'll miss you too...and your beautiful smile." the blonde said, his face flushing slightly in embarassment. "Now I know I'm really tired."

Looking at him questioningly, Leigh raised an eyebrow. "And why's that?"

"Oh! Not that I didn't mean what I said, I just know I'm tired cuz I'm just blurting things's not like me at all. I'm not exactly Mr. Smooth..." he said, gesturing over his shoulder toward Justin, referring to one of his nicknames.

"Can I ask you something Lance? Although I normally wouldn't come right out and say this, we can write my bluntness off as tiredness as well." she smirked.

"Yeah, go ahead, ask me anything."

"Why did you stop pursuing me?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, slightly embarassed that she had asked, but fully understanding why.

Leigh sipped her coffee before continuing. "Well we hung out a few kissed me a few times. It was nice...I just wondered why you stopped."

Lance sat back in his chair before answering her question with complete honesty. "I didn't know if you wanted things to continue, and with everything that happened with Johnny when Jordan and Justin wanted to date at first...I didn't know if you wanted to deal with that. I guess now that management is learning to accept the relationship between Justin and Jordan...we could test the waters out for ourselves, that is...if you want to."

"The question is do YOU want to." Leigh said thoughtfully.

"I like you a lot Leigh, of course I would want to try things. I mean, why wouldn't I? You're an amazing person."

Leigh blushed, "You're pretty great too ya know." Lance smiled at her and reached for her hand, then leaned over the small table, brushing his lips against hers in a kiss that sent her heart soaring.

"Hey check that out...I think the temperature of the room just upped a few notches." Justin said to Jordan quietly, pointing over her shoulder at Lance and Leigh in the midst of a kiss. Looking over at them, Jordan smiled as she saw the happiness in her friend's eyes as the kiss ended and Lance leaned back in his chair.

Chapter 49