"Justin...?" Jordan whispered.

"Mmmmm...yeah?" he mumbled, struggling to open his eyes from his deep sleep.

"Are you sleeping?"

"Not anymore.." Justin opened his eyes a crack to smile at Jordan's tired face. "Is something wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"No, not really. I just can't sleep on this plane." Jordan glanced sideways at Justin's handsome face. She reached over and gently touched his cheek, then brought her hand back quickly.

"What was that for?" Justin asked, a confused look in his blue eyes.

"Haha, you had a crease from having your face stuck in between the seats. Ya know, when you fell asleep, leaving me no one to talk to but Joey." Jordan laughed quietly. "And when he fell asleep, I was bored, so I decided to wake you up."

"Ahh, so I am the lucky one eh?" Justin joked. He glanced around the private jet that Lou had chartered for Eternity and N Sync to travel back to Orlando on. JC and Lance were sleeping, each with a girl's head on their broad shoulders. Joey sat next to Jordan, his head against the window. Justin laughed as he heard Joey begin to snore. He heard Chris and Rachel laughing and talking quietly, and glanced back at them, as they turned back to their Gameboys. Tressa was sitting in a chair next to Chris with her eyes closed, headphones in place.

"Wow. Everyone's pretty much wiped out for the night huh?" Justin said to Jordan.

"Yeah, tell me bout it. I should be sleeping along with the rest of them, but for some reason I can't. I am just hoping that Lou is happy with our TRL performance. Some of those questions got pretty personal."

"Really? Like what? We were on the radio at that time, and missed your interview with Carson." Justin replied.

"Well," Jordan said blushing slightly. "I was asked if I was dating you. Although it was kind of an awkward question, I just breezed through it...said we were colleagues, merely friends..which ya know, is true.."

Justin cut her off before she could finish. "Actually, I had been thinking bout that ever since Joey brought up that article. Ya know, it's funny how the media pairs people up like that. Like us being put together like that...it's flattering...I think it's kinda cool."

Jordan looked confused, and looked up into Justin's face. "What do you mean?"

"Well, ya know. You being paired up with me...like in the media's eyes." Justin stuttered, blushing.

Jordan's stomach dropped, but she made a weak attempt to fix the 'slowly getting awkward' situation with humor. "Oh yeah...don't you mean YOU getting paired up with me?" She laughed, cocking her head to the side, her eyes sparkling.

"No..actually I think I said it right when I said, YOU getting paired up with me." Justin joked.

"Oh man, whatEVER!"

"Think what you want woman...it's you getting paired up with me, so get it straight." he ran his fingers through his curly mop of hair as he grinned crookedly at Jordan. She smiled back at him before stifling a yawn as she reclined her plush seat. "You can't be tired now! Sure..wake me up, and then go to sleep. You just do that. I should sing for ya, so then you won't be able to sleep!" he threatened.

"Oh please do," Jordan said dryly, as she looked at the young man through her half closed lids. "it might actually make me fall asleep sooner."

"Fine, I see how ya are." Justin reclined his seat back so it was in line with Jordan's. "Seriously though, I know you need your sleep. Do ya want me to sing to you? I sometimes sing to myself when I can't sleep. Music soothes a savage beast like yourself." Justin looked at Jordan to see her reaction.

She glanced at him, and smiled. "Actually, although I try to hide the savage beast in me, I would love for you to sing."

"Alright" Justin said softly as he began to sing.

Across the aisle, JC stirred slightly from his restful state. He thought he heard singing, but because he was so groggy, he wasn't sure. He sat up straight, trying not to wake Ashlee, who had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and rubbed his eyes. He glanced in the direction of the voice he heard. JC frowned as he saw his younger friend and bandmate, Justin, leaning over Jordan, who was sleeping peacefully. He strained to hear what Justin was singing, and made out the words,

"Why do you run and hide? - say what you feel inside... Why must you always fake it?... Girl you need to understand... You're heart is safe within my hands and I promise I'll never break it..."

As Justin finished that verse, he reached over to brush Jordan's hair off of her face. JC's face framed the unhappy feeling taking over his emotions as he sat watching his friend.

Justin ran his index finger along Jordan's cheek as he finished the song, thinking to himself. 'Man, she looks so beautiful. Peaceful...almost angelic.' He shook his head sharply, trying to rid himself of those thoughts. 'Just forget about it Justin, it will be nothing but trouble...' he convinced himself before falling into a deep sleep.

Chapter 6