"American Airlines flight 1194 departing for Orlando...will be boarding shortly, starting with our first class passengers..."

Mo bent down and picked her carry-on bag up off the floor after hearing the muffled announcement over the intercom. As she adjusted the bag she had flung over her shoulder, she glanced around the VIP lounge that N Sync and Eternity had been put in during their wait. The two groups had placed their tired bodies in chairs and on the floor, the boys' carry-on luggage surrounding them. Mo's eyes registered sympathy as she gazed at each member, wishing there was something she could do to change the separation that would be taking place in a few short moments.

Her heart sank as her eyes rested on Justin and Jordan. The duo sat silent, Jordan leaning forward with her face propped in her hands while Justin slouched in his chair, his hand absentmindedly fiddling with his backpack strap. Their faces were marked with tiredness because of the early hour of the flight, but their eyes showed the sadness each was feeling about the upcoming goodbye.

Switching her gaze to the left of Jordan, she noticed JC rising from his chair to grab his belongings in order to prepare to board the flight. Joey and Chris looked up, jarred out of their thoughts by JC's motions, and began getting their things together as well. Lance and Leigh sat next to them, their heads bent as they talked quietly in a somber tone. Ashlee and Tressa sat next to Johnny as Rachel leaned up against the wall next to Mo, her face serious as she sipped her Starbucks latte.

"Attention all passengers: American Airlines flight 1194 departing for Orlando, we now ask for our first class passengers to board. Thank you."

Lonnie and Dre approached Eternity and N Sync and motioned to them that it was time to go. "They've got the gate blocked off for us now, and would like for us to go ahead and board." Lonnie stated, motioning for the two groups to follow him.

Johnny nodded and quickly folded up the paper he had been reading, while Justin and Lance grabbed their bags and stood to join the rest of their group. Following their security team down to the gate, the five men stopped in front of the open terminal, turning to the women of Eternity so they could say their goodbyes.

"Get over here you!" Chris said loudly, pouncing on Jordan and setting off a flurry of hugs, kisses, and tears amongst the members of the two groups.

After a tight hug from Leigh, Justin turned to the tall blonde standing next to him. Holding his arms out, he flashed a wide smile. "Rachel Bishop...come on down!"

Rachel laughed and bounded into his open arms before squeezing him in a big bear hug. Looking up at him, she reached out gingerly to pat his hair so that it bounced. "The next time I see you boy, you better have that fro trimmed down!" she teased, giggling.

Justin pushed her away playfully. "I like it big!" he replied, pretending to be hurt.

Rachel laughed again, said a quick goodbye and then pointed behind him before bouncing on Chris, who was waiting patiently for his turn with Rachel. Turning around, Justin smiled as he saw Jordan. She stood near him, fiddling with the zipper of the hooded sweatshirt she had thrown over her tank top, her dark hair pushed back with the sunglasses she had perched on her head. "Jordan" he said quietly.

Hearing her name, she looked up quickly and smiled when she noticed Justin standing in front of her. Her eyes tired, she moved toward him as he reached out for her, pulling her in close for one last hug before N Sync was to board.

Jordan leaned against Justin's chest, inhaling deeply before gazing up to look at his handsome face. Before she could speak, Lonnie approached them with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry but we have to board now." he said, gesturing over his shoulder at the four other members of N Sync, who were already starting to make their way down the terminal that would lead them to the plane. The two nodded quickly before embracing once more and indulging in a quick good-bye kiss. Jordan released Justin and looked up into his sad blue eyes.

"Bye. I love you and I'll talk to you soon." she stated earnestly, smiling through the river of tears that had started making their way down her cheeks.

Justin nodded before whispering his own "I love you". Grabbing her hand, he squeezed it tightly before letting go and making his way toward the open door of the terminal.

Jordan stood silent, watching him start down the long corridor that would take him to the plane, tears dripping down her face in a steady stream. Turning around, Justin smiled through his own tears, and raised his hand into a wave before disappearing around the corner to catch up with the rest of N Sync.

"You ready Jordan?" Ashlee said quietly, coming up behind her friend and group mate.

Jordan nodded as she wiped the tears off of her cheeks and followed the rest of Eternity out of the gate area, glancing over her shoulder one last time as the flight personnel closed the terminal door.


As the white limo moved quickly along the busy Los Angeles freeway, the bright California sun slipped behind a cloud, shrouding the city in gray. 'Well if that doesn't fit the vibe in here I don't know what does,' Leigh mused to herself, frowning as she glanced around the interior of the luxury car. All four of the other women sat silent, somber expressions painted on their exhausted faces.

Jordan sat curled up on the side seat, gazing out the window as she hugged her knees to her chest. Trying to keep her mind off of the scene at the airport that had just occured, her thoughts turned to the song they would be doing for their video. As she sat there, lost in her own thoughts, she rested her head on her knees and smiled as she remembered a day that seemed very much in the past.


Jordan closed her eyes and swayed playfully to the music that drifted through the soundbooth. Her chestnut hair bounced crazily from the high ponytail she had hastily put it in, and the sandals she had been wearing lay discarded on the floor next to her.

Opening her eyes she carefully adjusted the headset perched over her ears, and began singing into the microphone as the fast dance beat of "Poor Little Rich Girl" reached the beginning of her solo.

Poor little rich girl
Sittin all alone
Thinkin nobody loves her
Cuz daddy's not home
But daddy's out earnin
To buy you that jag
Always playin victim
You don't have it so bad...

Finishing her solo, she took off her headset and awaited the voice of the producer that would let her know what adjustments would need to be made. As the song continued to play, she looked through the glass at her sister who was patiently waiting for her turn. Giggling as the tall blonde stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes, Jordan began dancing boisterously around the small soundbooth.

Moments later a familiar voice drifted over the intercom. "Ya know, you really should be charging for this show." he mused, his voice taking on a flirtatious tone as he watched the dark haired beauty through the glass.

Jordan froze, her face becoming flushed as she recognized the voice coming through the speakers of the booth. Turning around slowly, she smiled sheepishly as she gazed into the rugged features of JC Chasez.

"Why'd you stop? I was enjoying the view!" he teased, referring to the booty shakin she had done just seconds before.

Jordan laughed nervously as she stood awkwardly inside the booth, feeling very much embarassed. JC smiled warmly at her as he took in her casual beauty; her denim flood pants showing her tanned calves and feet as she stood barefoot on the floor of the soundbooth. He studied her, biting his lip as she carefully adjusted the strap of the orange tank top that had slipped off of her shoulder while dancing.

"Aight Jordan, that was great. I think we've got what we need from you at this point." Max interrupted JC's thoughts, nudging him away from the microphone. Motioning to Rachel, he signaled that it was her turn in the booth as Jordan quickly gathered up her shoes and started out the door into the open area where Max and JC stood.

The lanky blonde caught Jordan's arm as she brushed past her in the doorway of the booth. "Oh. My. God." she said slowly and firmly, her voice low and discreet. "I can't sing with him here! Why is he here? Do you know who that is?!?" she finished, squeaking out the end of her tiny rant.

Gasping in mock horror, Jordan's eyes widened. "No! Who is he?" she teased.

"I hate you." Rachel glared at her sister as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder and moved toward the microphone. Picking up the headset, she placed it gently over her ears and waited for Max to begin as Jordan slowly closed the door to the booth.

Entering the large open area, Jordan stopped short when she rounded the corner and came face to face with JC. His intense gaze unnerving her slightly, she fumbled with the shoes in her grasp, causing one of the sandals to fall to the floor.

"Oh here let me..." JC said quickly, bending down to pick up her shoe.

"It's okay, I've got it..." Jordan said, stooping down at the same time as the man in front of her did.

Two hands reached out for the sandal at the same moment, one feminine and small, the other masculine and strong. JC's fingertips brushed Jordan's and the two of them looked up at each other simultaneously, their gaze locked as the seconds seemed to creep by. Neither one of them speaking, time almost stood still as they knelt, their eyes intense, their faces in almost uncomfortably close proximity.


JC caught himself as he started to fall forward into Jordan, breaking the spell between them.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see a midget crossing sign anywhere, so I wasn't watching for the little people." Chris said obnoxiously as he laughed at his own lame joke. Helping Jordan to her feet, he smiled warmly. "You must be Jordan..."

Allowing Chris to help her up, she flashed him one of her mega watt grins. "Yep...and you're Chris." she stated knowingly.

"Uh-oh...I think she's a fan." another familiar voice interrupted as a fiery haired individual walked up and swung an arm casually around Chris' shoulder. Looking Jordan up and down, he nodded his approval. "But I suppose we'll keep her." he finished, his slight Brooklyn accent becoming apparent to Jordan.

She raised an eyebrow at the tall Italian and smirked, "So I get the Fatone seal of approval?" she questioned, laughing slightly.

"You bet." he concluded before nodding emphatically and then turning his attention to the slender blonde inside the booth.

JC quickly lifted his lanky frame off the floor, Jordan's sandal in hand. "Here ya go..." he said as he offered the shoe to her.

"Thank you." she said warmly, blushing slightly as she couldn't help but notice the way he was staring at her. As she reached out to take her sandal out of his grasp, Jordan's fingers lingered over JC's outstretched palm, the contact sending a slight shiver down her spine. "I'm Jordan Bishop by the way..." she offered as she balanced on one leg, putting her shoes back on.

"I'm JC Chasez..."

"I know." she winked at him playfully before continuing. "One question."

"What's that?"

"Isn't that like saying your name is Josh Chasez Chasez? I mean, shouldn't you just say...I'm JC?" she teased gently.

Pondering the question for a minute, he grinned back at her, "I suppose you're right...I never thought of it that way. Okay fine...I'm JC." he retorted. "Is that better?"

"Much." Jordan nodded firmly.

JC laughed but before he could ask Jordan more about herself, the door to the recording studio flew open and Lance walked in, Justin not far behind him. Within seconds of entering the large room, Justin flung himself onto Lance's back and began moving his right arm in violent circles as if he were riding a bucking bronco. Lance rolled his eyes as he staggered slowly toward the couches, burdened by Justin's lanky frame.

"Hey! Move your slow albino ass a little faster! I don't have all day!" Justin chided, laughing loudly.

Lance grunted and noticed Jordan staring at him with wide eyes. He lifted an arm weakly to wave as Justin hopped off his back.

He looked over at Jordan and JC as he shrugged his broad shoulders. "This one's broken." Walking over to them, he extended his hand toward Jordan. "Hi, I'm Justin."

She smiled brightly at him, taking his hand. "I'm Jordan Bishop."

"And I'm Rachel." the tall blonde interjected, joining them in the main room after having seen the crazy antics of the boys from within the booth. "Looks like you killed your horsie." She laughed, gesturing toward Lance, who lay on the couch panting after carting Justin's weight only briefly.

"Yeah, I think I need a new horse." the curly haired young man stated seriously. Turning toward the couch he spoke loud enough for Lance to hear, "And I think I'll name him TOBY." he teased.

Lance opened his mouth to reply when Max interrupted, looking pointedly at Rachel. "What are you doing out of the booth Rachie? I need you in there now please."

Pouting slightly, Rachel nodded and then quickly darted back into the soundbooth, placing her headset back on her head as she awaited Max's instructions. The remaining occupants of the recording studio quickly quieted down and plopped down on the couches littering the large room. Standing awkwardly in front of the larger white sofa, Jordan quickly surveyed the room as she tried to find a place to sit. Turning to her left slightly, she noticed Joey and Chris lounging comfortably on the love seat, leaving no room for anyone else. On the couch nearest her, Lance had sat up and was bent over the arm of the sofa, rummaging through the small dorm sized fridge. JC occupied the middle seat on the couch, and was moving his head to the beat of the music that Max was filtering into the room as Rachel sang.

Turning toward the glass so she could see her sister, Jordan squealed slightly as she felt someone grab her by the waist. Finding herself being pulled into Justin's lap, she looked at him in surprise after her landing, expecting some sort of explanation. Shrugging slightly before winking at her, he spoke. "You were blocking my view." Wrinkling his nose, he closed his eyes slightly and nuzzled his cheek against her bare shoulder. Glancing down at him in surprise, Jordan's cheeks flushed red as he looked up at her sideways and flashed her one of his patented Timberlake grins. Her heart jumped and she laughed nervously as she noticed JC looking over at the two of them, his brilliant blue eyes piercing Jordan's chocolate ones. Suddenly Justin shifted underneath her as he began grooving to the beat, distracting Jordan from JC's gaze. She tossed her head back gently as she laughed, causing Justin to stop singing along momentarily in order to swat her long ponytail away from his face. Wrapping his long arms around her tightly, he pulled her in, pressing her back against his chest. She blushed immensely as he whispered in her ear, "This is to keep that hair of yours from hitting me in the face again...I hope you don't mind." Her heart raced as she turned her head to the side and smiled at him, noticing JC still watching them as he sat in silence.


Chapter 52