
Jordan tucked her dark hair behind her ears as she glanced in the mirror at her reflection. Carefully applying shimmery lip gloss, she smacked her lips together before reaching for the glitter lotion. Turning around as she smoothed the lotion on her bare arms, she was startled by April swinging open the bathroom door.

"Got room for one more?" she said loudly, shouting above the music which was filtering in from the outer room of the suite.

"Yeah, I'm done in here, go for it. Make yo'self beautiful girl." Jordan said, making a sweeping motion with her hand as she exited the bathroom.

Making her way into the room within the suite that she had offered to share with April, she curled up in the overstuffed chair that sat in the corner. Reaching down into her suitcase, her hand emerged clutching her journal. She flipped silently through the ink filled pages, reading entries as she made her way to the blank pages in the back.

Home again at last! It's the first time I've been back home for a lengthy visit since moving down to Orlando, and although it feels really good to be back, it's really strange. All the support we get from everyone here is really encouraging, and it's really sweet, but it's hard to go anywhere. They try to treat Rach and I as normal as possible, but they're curious about our life in the spotlight and it can be sort of overwhelming at times. It's been good seeing April again, I missed her a lot. She's been doing a lot of personal assistant type work around here for a couple lawyers, and the other day while we were talking I got an idea to propose to Johnny. I don't want to jinx anything just yet, but I'm hoping he may be interested in having her join us girls since Mo is with the guys. With them starting their tour, she's been spreading herself thin trying to fly in when we need her as well as bending over backwards for her "boys". It would just be nice for everyone if we had someone we knew and trusted, and that would have the good of the group as their main motivation...

Continuing on, Jordan smiled as she remembered the hectic month of March when the guys were preparing for their album release. They had been busy with promotions, and Johnny agreeing that the girls needed their own personal assistant was a wise decision since Mo was quickly weighed down with paperwork and other details. The highlight of the busy schedule was the extravagant party Jive hosted in honor of N Sync's 'NSA' release.

I am so sleepy I can hardly write, but I wanted to jot down some things before I forgot. The party was spectacular and I had an amazing evening. All the guys' family and friends were there, as well as several Jive artists among the long list of celebrities. The album's immediate success was an added bonus to the guys' happiness. We celebrated well into the night, and all retired to our rooms in a state of utter utopia as well as exhaustion. Another side note, Mo and Joey's plan seems to be working rather well as Rachel couldn't keep her eyes off of Joe all night. Much to her dismay, he couldn't keep his hands off the competition. More on that later...

Jordan smiled as she thought about her sister's struggle with her feelings for Joey, and shook her head. 'She's so stubborn, I don't know why she just won't get herself some big fine Italian.' she laughed to herself before returning her gaze to the writing within the book she held in her hand. Reading silently about a day in early April, she reflected on how long ago it all seemed.

Today was the first day in the studio as we begin recording for our new album. I think the material this time will be a lot more grown up, showing that we've really developed over the past year as artists. We're of course working with Max Martin again and looking at several songs to do covers of, as most groups have at least one on their albums. Next week we start making trips overseas as well as traveling to NYC for weeks at a time. The hours in the studio are really fun, but hard work at the same time. Hopefully things will go a lot more smoothly since it's something we've been through once before..."

"Whatcha doin?" Rachel asked, plopping down onto the bed, careful not to spill the contents of the bottle she clutched in her hand.

Raising her eyebrow at her sister, Jordan smiled. "Drinking already?"

"Of course. Gotta get this party started RIIIIGHT." April said, shaking her bon bon as she entered the room, holding her hands up to display two bottles of Heiniken.

"Two fisting tonight are we?" Jordan laughed as April danced around in a circle to the strains of the "Thong Song" which still blared from the stereo in the main room of the suite. "Cute." she continued, commenting on April's dance moves. "Our neighbors probably hate us right now."

"To answer your first question, I'm not two fisting it...one is for you. It's the fourth of July, you're with the two FUNNEST people in the world, and we're about to get jiggy baby." April smirked, handing Jordan a beer before taking a swig out of her own. "Secondly who cares if our neighbors hate us? Besides, HONESTLY, who could hate the thong-th-thong-thong-thong?"

"EXACTLY." Rachel nodded emphatically, grinning cheesily as she held up her own drink, displaying the label prominently. "Look, I'm a Barker Beauty. Jordan Bishop, what's your bid?" she finished before laughing uncontrollably at her retardedness.

Jordan closed her book and reached for the drink April still offered to her. "If I'm gonna be able to stand you nuts all night I might as well get loaded eh?"

"YES!" the two girls shouted in unison, before all three of them erupted in fits of giggles.


"So Jordan, where's your boy?" April asked, a slightly confused look on her face as she struggled to focus on a picture she had pulled out of Jordan's purse. "Aww you guys are too cute." she said, making gagging motions as she stuck her tongue out.

Jordan leaned over and glanced at the photo April clutched tightly, smiling as she gazed at it. It was from their trip to Hawaii, the two of them standing on the beach, the white sand at their feet and the teal ocean behind them. Jordan's mouth was open in laughter and Justin was smiling as the two of them gazed at the camera. His muscular arms were wrapped around her waist as he picked her up off the ground playfully. She held a football in her hands, inferring that the photo was snapped in the midst of a childlike game. Looking up at April, she answered, her voice heavy with intoxication. "He was supposed to come here to see me, but he went home to spend some time with his family and had some meetings for his foundation."

April smiled at her friend in understanding as Rachel piped up, "Well guys I'd love to sit here and reminisce but I'm ready to shake my groove thing so can we get goin?"

The two women nodded in agreement and finished off their alcoholic beverages before calling Randy to let him know they were on their way down so he could meet them. Walking out of the room, Jordan set her empty bottle down next to the several others she had finished off before shutting off the light and hurrying to catch up with her sister and friend.


"Heyyy! There's JC..." April slurred slightly, pointing toward the doorway of the VIP room.

Turning around quickly, Jordan stumbled and blinked hard as she tried to focus on who April was gesturing wildly towards. A brilliant grin danced across her lips as she noticed JC, along with two friends, making his way through the small crowd within the exclusive area of the club.

JC stopped just inside the VIP area after weaving his way through a small crowd of people. He glanced around the room and stopped on a familiar face. He smiled as he waved at her and then nudged AG, who stood next to him. "There's Jordan, I'm gonna go say hello." he stated before walking towards her.

"JAYCE! What the hell are you doin here?" Jordan squealed happily. Reaching for his arm she started to pull him in for a hug, sloshing her drink, causing the red liquid to overflow slightly and run down the side of her cup.

"Hmm..." JC said, studying her as he struggled to think clearly though his own buzzing head. "Let me guess? Winecooler?" he asked, pointing to the drink she held tightly.

"Nope!" she said brightly, "Jungle Juice. Yum!" she giggled drunkenly, causing more of her drink to spill. "Now are you gonna hug me or what?" she asked, tugging on the arm she still held in her other hand.

JC looked down at his light gray shirt and back up at Jordan's cup. "First let's just set this down okay?"

Jordan obeyed and let him take the cup from her hand. Setting the glass down on the table, JC allowed himself to indulge in a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek from Jordan. Not fully embracing her, he held his right arm away from her pale yellow shirt as he noticed the red liquid that had spilled from the cup dripping down his hand.

Pulling away he glanced around quickly for a napkin. "Whatcha lookin for?" Jordan asked, causing JC to turn his attention away from his napkin search. Gazing at her, he couldn't help but stare intently. She stood in front of him, her thin frame clothed in black fitted pants and her shirt shimmered in the light, hugging her curves in all the right places. She brushed a stray hair out of her face and looked up at him expectantly, biting her lip, her eyes wide and childlike. "JC?" she questioned, her voice husky from the smoke filled atmosphere.

"Oh...uh...I was looking for a napkin." he replied sheepishly as he held up an unsteady hand to show Jordan the liquid running over his fingers.

Jordan grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at JC suggestively as she took his hand in her own and raised it to her lips. JC breathed in sharply as she slowly licked the alcoholic beverage off of his fingers and hand, keeping her gaze locked with his.

Releasing his hand but not tearing her gaze away from JC's brilliant blue eyes, Jordan licked her lips seductively. "I didn't want to waste any..." she replied simply before retrieving her drink from the table and moving to the beat of the pounding music as she made her way through the crowd, leaving JC staring after her.


A few hours later, JC stood next to the bar as he finished his gin and tonic, scanning the dance floor for Jordan. Well on his way to drunk, his head buzzed and his cheeks were flushed and hot. As he blinked hard against the lights, he spotted her along with Rachel and April dancing on the stage that was raised slightly off the dance floor. Glancing to the right of the girls, he saw their security guard for the evening, Randy, standing with a bored expression on his face as he leaned up against the side of the stage.

Jordan moved to the beat of the pulsating music surprisingly well considering her drunken state. Rachel sang along as she danced, almost losing her balance several times which caused her to erupt in a fit of giggles at her own tipsiness. April grooved to the music, adding her own ad-libs to the songs that blared through the club. Jordan hopped off the small stage, laughing as she struggled to keep her balance and accepted Randy's steady hand gratefully. Turning around, she composed herself and walked over to the bar to get herself another drink.

"Hey beautiful." JC whispered into her ear as he came up behind her, his breath tinged with alcohol. As she turned toward him with a crooked grin on her flushed face, he slid his hands up her bare arms. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the strains of a familiar song. Jordan's eyes lit up as she recognized the tune and grabbed JC's arm, dragging him behind her as she made her way back to the stage where her sister and friend still danced.

JC smiled as the lyrics began and the beat of the song began to take over their bodies as they moved seductively, grinding to the blaring music.

April leaned over, talking loudly in order for Jordan to hear. "Get yo freak on girl!"

Jordan laughed and slurred out a reply that was barely audible before JC pulled her in close as the chorus began. Placing her own hands on his muscular shoulders, she winked at him and let the rhythm consume her once more.

I’m kinda faded but I feel alright
Thinking about making my move tonight
I can’t pretend that you’re only my friend
When you’re holding my body tight
‘Cause I like the way you’re making it move
I like the way you’re making me wait
At the end of the night when I make up your mind
You’ll be coming on home with me

The song came to a close and Jordan rested her head on JC's chest before slumping against him tiredly. "Are you okay?" he asked with concern, his buzz still going strong, however it was blatantly obvious to him that she was in bad shape.

"I'm really dizzy...and tired. I'm so tired." Jordan replied, her voice muffled as she still leaned her head against him.

Tipping her head up with his hand, he looked into her hazel eyes which were glassy and slightly bloodshot due to her heavy alcohol consumption. Glancing to his left, he noticed Rachel and April were still going strong and had found men of their own to dance with. Making a rash decision, JC smiled down at Jordan. "Lets get out of here?" he offered calmly, running his hand through his spiky hair.

Jordan nodded before clutching her head slightly. "And could you do me another favor?" JC raised a questioning eyebrow as she continued, "Please make the room stop spinning. It was cool at first but now it's just annoying." she finished as he laughed and told her to wait for a moment while he explained to Randy that they were leaving.

Jordan watched JC as he approached Randy, who greeted him with a slap of his hand and nodded as the dark haired young man gestured toward Jordan as he talked. Returning to Jordan's side, JC slipped his arm around her waist and guided her though the crowded room toward the exit in the back. Exiting into the muggy summer night air, the duo slipped into the awaiting limosine that would take them back to the luxurious Trump Towers where both of them were staying.

Jordan laughed as she fell on her knees right inside the limo, the alcohol making it hard for her to balance while bending over to slide into the vehicle. Not even attempting to get up right away, she rolled onto her back so that she lay looking up at the ceiling. JC nudged her leg out of the way with his foot as he climbed in after her, slipping onto the seat, he leaned back and rested his head against the headrest. Sitting up quickly and making herself dizzy, Jordan rested her chin on JC's knee as she gazed up at him. JC looked down at Jordan, a smirk dancing on his chiseled features.

"Get up off the floor." he ordered playfully.

"If you say so boss." she mocked in a low tone as she removed herself from the floor and draped herself across JC's lap.

JC was slightly taken aback, but quickly recovered from the shock of her actions as she spoke again. "What, you've never had a girl sit on your lap before?" she asked in a flirtatious tone.

"Well..." JC started.

Jordan interrupted him before he could answer her. "Your open mouth kind of gave it away." she whispered tauntingly into his ear as she closed his jaw with her index finger, and he shivered as the warmth of her breath caused his earlobe to tingle. She pulled away and laughed invitingly, tossing her head back so that her dark hair swept over his bare arm. Righting her head once more, she crinkled her nose several times before giggling uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?" he asked, a silly grin pasted across his face.

"I can't feel my nose. It's all numb!" she said, raising her hands triumphantly in the air as if she was signaling a goal of some sort. JC stared at her, entranced by her careless beauty. Her hair spilled over her bare shoulders, and her cheeks were extremely flushed due to the heavy drinking she had done. Her pouty lips were a luscious shade of crimson, and her tan skin shimmered from the glitter she had applied carefully earlier in the evening.

Jordan still giggled to herself as JC reached up toward her face, placing his thumb over her lips, taking her by surprise as she stopped laughing and returned his steady gaze. He ran his thumb along her bottom lip before softly running a finger down the side of her cheek, his eyes becoming heavy as he leaned toward her.

His heartbeat quickened as the heat from their bodies seemed to intensify. Jordan closed her eyes, unable to deny the chemistry between the two of them any longer, and leaned her face toward him. They embraced tightly as their lips meshed in a sensual kiss. Pulling away, the two sat there breathless, unsure of what was occuring between them at that moment. The air was electric within the small confined space and Jordan placed her head in her hands momentarily in order to steady her world which was still spinning crazily due to the alcohol.

JC trailed his hand down her arm, causing her to shiver unconciously. She looked up at him, her eyes confused as her clouded mind tried to make logical sense of the situation. "I can't...I'm drunk...Justin..." she muttered, removing herself from JC's lap to lie down on the side seat within the limo. Laying her cheek down on the cool leather, she sighed contentedly as she slipped into a heavy state of sleep that only alcohol can induce.

JC glanced at Jordan, and smiled smugly as his drunken mind helped him to decide what his sober mind couldn't possibly fathom.

Chapter 55