
Realizing quickly that her sister and Joey needed to be alone, Jordan allowed Justin to take her hand and lead her toward the interior door within the garage. Rachel stood awkwardly in the driveway with Joey, unsure of what to say to him as they stared at each other in the chilly night air.

Joey looked around at his surroundings before speaking quietly. "It's not as cold here as I thought it would be..." he trailed off, smiling timidly at the tall blonde.

Rachel nodded and played with the zipper on her coat. "It's not Florida though, that's for sure." she muttered, her voice barely audible.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Joey asked, offering his hand to Rachel.

Her head tilted down slightly, she raised her eyes to gaze back up into his. "Okay." she said simply, extending her fingers and allowing them to intertwine with his as they began making their way down the residential sidewalk.

Joey took a deep breath as he gathered up his courage to say what he wanted to say. Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, he turned his body toward Rachel's, and nervously began speaking. "I hope you don't hate me after the things I said on the phone today." Rachel started to reply but he silenced her with a look. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. I just wanted so badly for you to feel the same way about me as I've felt about you all this time. After you told me all of that and just got off the phone so suddenly, I went to your house but you were already gone. So...I called Justin and asked for his help, figuring he had some sort of idea where you and Jordan would be. Anyways...I guess what I'm trying to say is that I came all this way to not only tell you, but show you how much I care." he finished, finally laying all of his feelings out for Rachel to do with them as she wished.

The slender blonde squinted up at him, her expression blank. After what seemed like eternity, she spoke. "You really didn't know?"

Joey's expression turned from anxious to confused. "Didn't know what?"

"That I liked you..." Rachel mumbled, wringing her hands nervously.

Joey laughed, running his fingers through his brown hair. "You have a funny way of showing it sometimes Rachie."

Rachel bit her lip shyly before moving closer to the man in front of her. "Then maybe this will spell it out for you ya big dork." Carefully placing her hands on either side of his face, she leaned toward him as their warm mouths met in a gentle kiss.

Pulling apart, she raised an eyebrow at him and a silly grin danced across his face, his eyes sparkling happily. "Wow." he mumbled.

Rachel laughed, looking down at the ground before locking eyes with him once more. "I take it we're on the same wavelength now?"

Joey pulled her in close and hugged her tightly before they turned and began walking back toward the warmth of the Bishop home. "Definitely."

Rachel squeezed him lovingly with the arm that still rested around his waist as they walked. Glancing up at him, she shook her head in disbelief. "Took ya long enough." she teased as the pair arrived on the front porch.

"Do ya suppose we should knock first?" Joey asked, changing the subject as he referred to the couple alone inside.

Rachel held a thoughtful finger to her chin. "It has been awhile since they saw each other last. Maybe we should let them be alone?"

Their eyes twinkling mischeviously, the pair shook their heads simultaneously. "Nahh!" they said in unison, laughing as they opened the front door and entered the inviting warmth.


Justin and Jordan lay comfortably on one of the overstuffed tan couches in the large den, the room glowing with a luminous tone as a fire roared hungrily in the brick fireplace. Outside, the elements raged as snow blew across the yard and the wind whistled fiercely. The clock began striking the late hour of 2 am as Justin yawned sleepily. Wrapping his arms protectively around Jordan, he drew her closer to his body and leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm so glad Rachel and Joey figured everything out...they make such a cute couple." Jordan mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep as she snuggled up against Justin, closing her eyes. "So does that mean since everything is worked out you'll be leaving me tomorrow already?" she asked quietly.

"I don't want to but you know my mother will shoot me if I don't spend the holiday with her. I'll be back on the 27th though..." he trailed off, yawning again.

Jordan's answer was unintelligible as her voice trailed off several times due to her tired state. Her breathing became heavy as she started to fall asleep and Justin pulled a blanket down off of the back of the couch to cover them.

Getting comfortable, Justin rubbed his eyes tiredly before letting them shut slowly. Then, leaning his cheek against the top of Jordan's head, serene expressions slid across their features as they both drifted off into a deep sleep.


"Uh...Mo, you might wanna come take a look at this." Chris said, concern filling his dark eyes as he stared at the TV.

"What's that?"

"Hmmm, only the possibility that our people will be stranded at their home in ghetto bootyville and unable to get to NYC for the show." Chris retorted, pointing at the TV. Mo opened her eyes as she lay on the couch, her feet hanging over the back and her head planted firmly on the floor.

Mo watched, upside down, as the weather channel meteorologist began the midwestern forecast.

"Looks like the midwestern states will be having a bit of a travel problem around the holidays as many of the major airports have started closing down due to blizzard like conditions. The snow started around 10 pm and has not stopped, nor shown signs of slowing. The conditions expected for the next few days include more snow as well as high wind gusts, which will keep travel to a minimum..."

As the lady continued talking, Mo sat up with wide eyes. "WHAT?!? Our people can't be stuck!" Hopping off the couch, she began running around as she thought out loud. "I've gotta call Johnny. Ohmygod this isn't good. How are Jordan and Rachel gonna get to New York? OH NO!" she said, stopping in her tracks and turning to Chris, who stood with a bewildered expression on his face. "Did Joey go with them? Or after them? Did he take anyone? Good lord, of COURSE this has to happen now. Can't you people stay in one spot for once? What's wrong with Christmas in Florida?"

Chris interjected, trying to be helpful. "There's no snow?"

Mo rolled her eyes and fell back onto the couch in an overly dramatic move. "That's EXACTLY what I'm saying."

Chapter 64