The lounge sat silent for a few minutes after Johnny left. After Lou got up and walked out behind Johnny and Justin, Rachel got up off of her spot on the couch. "Well, look on the bright side least they didn't show that fun lil picture session that you had with your NEW fans." she said, teasing the boys.

"Yeah, that's a good point, cuz if they did, we might have to kill you." Chris teased back.

"We pry should get going to the practice room, Darrin is gonna be pissed if we don't get back to start in a few minutes." Leigh said matter of factly.

"Aww man, I don't wanna go to rehersals with Darrin. I hate dancing with a passion. I mean please... can dance better than me." Rachel whined. She began singing 'Tearin Up My Heart' and dancing around, doing the wrong moves and emphasizing Lance's signature chest pat/wave.

Leigh and Ashlee started laughing before they got up and joined Rachel in poking fun at the boys. It wasn't long before the boys were laughing along at the crazy antics of the three girls. "Man you guys suck!" Joey shouted above their off key singing.

"Haha, you are just jealous that we can do it better than your sorry ass." Tressa said, as she jumped up and began singing loudly.

"Stop! Stop! You're killing me here! I'm meeeellllttting" Chris whined, covering his ears.

It seemed as though everyone had forgotten about Justin's outburst, except Jordan, who was still sitting in her chair. She seemed oblivious to the girls' crazy antics and the boys shouting. "Hey Chris?" Jordan asked quietly, moving off her chair to sit by him on the couch.

The braided man looked over at her with some concern in his eyes. "Yeah, what's up?"

"What's wrong with Justin? Did something happen during practice that might have set him off like that?" Jordan inquired, looking confused. "He just kinda got a stick up his butt there all of a sudden."

"No, rehersal went fine, he usually is really tired afterwards though. Maybe the combination of last night, getting home late and stuff, and then the practice going long today made him a little testy." Chris said, shrugging his shoulders.

Jordan sat for a minute, thinking. "Yeah, maybe you're right." she said gently.

Chris turned back to the girl's antics. Joey and Lance had gotten up and were attempting to sing 'Confessions of Love'. As they were murdering the lyrics, the girls ran out of the room giggling. "I can't take it anymore...somebody put them outta their misery! I'm dyin here!" Rachel screeched, doubling over in laughter. With Jordan walking silently, close behind, the four girls ran down the hallway into the practice room. They were still laughing, but stopped short when they saw the look on Darrin's face.

"So girls, I guess this means a half hour more of practice huh?" he said, looking disappointed in their late arrival.

"Ugh! That really bites." Rachel muttered as she put her hair up and prepared to practice their routine.

"Let's get goin ladies..the sooner we start, the sooner we'll be done." he clapped his hands as the girls got in formation to begin.


After rehersals, vocal practice, and media training that day, the girls walked out of Transcon studios, and into the dark parking lot. "Man I hate days like this", Tressa complained. "We get here when it's beautiful out, and we leave when it's so late that there is nothing to do but go home."

"Well, I can tell you guys one thing. I sure as heck am not in the mood to go home and sleep. It's been a long week, and we have tomorrow off for once in our lives. Let's go clubbing, what do ya say?" Leigh bounced around, unusually hyper.

"Yeah! That sounds like a good time, it's not like I was gonna do anything else." Ashlee smiled widely. "Besides, maybe we'll meet some cute guys!"

Jordan grinned at Ashlee, "Yeah, I'm in too. Hell, I wasn't gonna do anything but chill and watch a movie while Rachel annoyed the hell outta me."

Rachel jabbed Jordan in the arm, and said, "Hey, I'm not annoying! I am just entertaining, and you all know you love it. What would you do without me?"

" sane?" Tressa asked, looking at the tall blonde.

"Man you guys just don't appreciate the good laughs I bring this group. Now, are we gonna stand here all day or are we gonna go shake our thangs like there is no tomorrow?" Rachel questioned eagerly, looking at the four other girls.

"Well, if you would get your skinny butt in the car, we could get home and change. Do ya'll wanna meet at like 10:30? our house?" Jordan asked, opening her car door and reaching in to hit the unlock button for Rachel.

"Sounds good woman. See ya in about an hour." Leigh said before getting in her car and driving out of the lot.

"Same for us, we'll see ya in a bit." Ashlee said, while Tressa nodded from the passenger seat.

"Ok girl, see ya later." Rachel waved at the two girls, then got in the car. They heard Ashlee peel out and speed down the street, before they had even gotten out of their parking space.

"Geez...she is gonna take an old lady out someday. Crazy woman drivers." Rachel laughed, looking at Jordan. Noticing her sister's frown, she stopped laughing. "What's up girl? You have been kinda quiet since this morning, after the MTV news thingy. Did Justin's tantrum freak ya out or something?"

"No, I'm cool, just kinda worried bout him. I mean, obviously something is bothering him. I just don't know what it is." Jordan glanced at Rachel, then turned onto the street.

"I know what it is!"

"Oh really, what's that?" Jordan asked dryly, knowing just the kind of answer to expect from her younger sister.

"The bleach has finally gotten to his brain. He just can't function anymore. Either that or he's losing his hair due to overprocessing. I can't decide..but that's what's bothering him." Rachel said seriously, before busting out in a fit of laughter.

A slow smile began creeping over Jordan's face. "I knew it!" Rachel pointed at her. "See, it's in there somewhere! It just takes a master to reveal it. Haha."

"Yeah, whatever. Tonight just better be a good night. However, I have a feeling Ashlee might have to be restrained. You remember LAST time we went to a club dontcha?"

"Oh yeah...hahaha...when she got a lil tipsy and almost went home with that gross waiter? Good thing we stopped her. The media would have had a field day with that, and we weren't even that well known then." Rachel groaned, remembering the incident.

"Yeah, tell me bout it. I was the one that had to talk her out of it, and she was NOT happy."

Five minutes later, the two girls stopped at the gate and waited for security to let them in. They waved to the guard as they entered, drove down the street, and pulled into the driveway of their home.

"We have to hurry up cuz they will be here in a bit." Jordan reminded her sister who was unlocking the front door.

"Yeah, yeah..I'm goin. Don't rush me, it takes time to look this beautiful." Rachel smiled cheesily as she struck a model like pose in the entry way.

Jordan gave her a gentle shove toward her room. "Well then you better get started now, cuz we don't have all night." She looked over her shoulder as Rachel put her hands on her hip, and pretended to pout.

"You're just jealous, cuz Joey likes me and not you." Rachel teased, making a weird face at her sister.

"Oh yeah, I am sooooo jealous. I want an orange headed freak to love me too." Jordan said sarcastically before going into her room to get ready.

"Yeah, well maybe I can sic a drunk Ashlee on him to get him off my back." Rachel shouted down the hall from her room.

"Haha, yeah that might work!" Jordan yelled back before shutting her door.


"Ohmygod girl! Look at all these's insane! I think all of freakin Orlando is out partyin tonight! Wooobaby...haha." Ashlee shouted above the music blaring from Pleasure Island as they got out of the car.

"Now watch it Ashlee, just please try to contain yourself so we don't have to watch you tonight..ok?" Leigh stated firmly, barely loud enough for her to hear.

"Yeah, yeah I gotcha. I'll behave." Ashlee said, looking at Leigh disappointedly. "Yeah right," she muttered, smiling deviously as she turned away from her friend.

The five girls walked across the bridge from Downtown Disney, and walked by the people taking tickets. They smiled and waved, as the workers nodded them past.

The girls began walking around the island, looking around for anyone they knew...and trying to decide what club to start the night off at. After much deliberation, the girls decided to head into 8Trax.

"Yeah, this looks good. We can do a whole lotta booty shakin in here my friends." Rachel shouted above the music, and pointed toward the well lit entrance.

"Sounds good to me," Tressa said.

Ashlee led the way, walking confidently into the club with the other four girls close behind. It was a mere 5 minutes of standing around before she was off, dancing with some random guy. Shortly after she left, Rachel and Tressa made their way to the catwalk, dancing around like fools.

"Take a look at Rach!" Jordan pointed past Leigh, instructing her to check out what the blonde was doing.

Leigh looked over at her bandmates strutting their stuff. She began laughing hysterically at Rachel when she finally saw her. Rachel had put her blonde hair up in a VERY high ponytail, which was sticking up off of her head and bouncing around as she danced.

"My that the ONLY dance move she can do or what?" Jordan shouted.

"You mean the butterfly? Hahaha...oh man. She really needs to get some more dance moves." Leigh said, trying to contain her laughter as she continued to watch her friends.

Jordan looked away from her sister and Tressa with a big smile on her face, as she scanned the contents of the club. "Whatcha lookin for girl?" Leigh asked, curious.

"Nobody in particular, just seeing if I see anyone I know."

" Let me know if you see any hot, available young men for me to dance with k?" Leigh laughed, nudging the brunette playfully.

"Hey, what about him?" Jordan pointed at a guy standing on the edge of the dance floor. He had his back to the girls, but didn't look all that bad from far away. He had blond spikey hair, and was wearing a red shirt with khaki shorts.

"Oh yeah can't even see his face!" Leigh protested.

"Wait till he turns around, he doesn't look half bad!"

The two girls waited patiently for the young man to turn around. Within a few minutes, his friend walked off the dance floor towards him...obviously trying to convince him to get on the dance floor. He was motioning wildly with his hands, but the spikey blonde just shook his head. "Ooooh, his friend's kinda cute..dontcha think?" Jordan said, smiling.

Leigh shifted her gaze from the blonde to his tall friend, who was wearing a yellow baseball cap. He looked semi muscular, with an athletic build...his broad shoulders filling out his yellow tshirt. "Well ya can't see his face very good, but yeah he's pry alright."

"Damn! I wish they would look up here." Jordan said frustrated with the two men. As soon as she finished her sentence, the young man in the baseball cap glanced in the girls' direction. A broad smile creeped across his gorgeous face as he nudged his friend, and they began making their way through the crowd toward the two girls.

Chapter 8