"So girl, are you gonna tell me what's up?" Leigh prodded. The girls had just finished getting into their suits, and were gathering their towels and sunglasses before heading to the pool.

"It's nothin...just forget bout it." Jordan frowned, fiddling with the halter straps of her new suit. "See! I'm happy!" she grinned at her friend.

"So what do you think of my new suit? Or do you think yellow is soo not my color?" Jordan struck a pose in front of the sliding glass doors before going outside.

"No, it's cool. I really actually like that color on you, it makes you look very tan. And although I KNOW there is something bothering you still, I suppose I will let it go." The two girls walked out onto the pool deck where everyone else was already splashing around.

"Hey, let's play chicken or somethin!" Chris suggested, dunking Justin and laughing.

"Hey, yeah! I call JC as my partner!" Rachel said, pushing on JC's shoulders so she could hop on easier.

The rest of the guys and girls paired off quickly. Joey and Ashlee decided to be partners, Tressa hopped on Chris' shoulders, and Lance shyly asked Leigh if she would like to be his partner. Which left Jordan, who was sitting on the edge of the pool, to be with Justin.

"Uh, well I guess that means we're stuck together huh?" Justin said to the tanned brunette.

"Yeah, I guess so." Jordan said, squinting down at her friend.

Joey swam over to them, "Well, I guess we are gonna fight you two after Chris, Tressa, Rachel, and JC finish up. Then if we still want to play, whoever wins will play Lance and Leigh."

"Sounds good." Justin said. 'I hope that Jordan doesn't hate me, she seems kinda out of it today. Maybe this game will help break the ice a lil bit.' he thought to himself as he watched Rachel struggling to push Tressa off Chris' shoulders.


"AGhh! Justin, you're not playin fair!" Ashlee screeched from Joey's shoulders.

"All's fair in love and war...right Jordan?" Justin shouted and looked up at the brunette on his shoulders.

"You got that right." Jordan said, struggling to stay on as she pushed with all her strength against Ashlee's arms.

"Ya know, Ashlee..." Justin said, trying to distract her, so Jordan could push her off of Joey's broad shoulders, "Your swimsuit kinda matches the color of Joey's hair!"

Ashlee looked down, trying to see if he was for real, when Jordan gave her one last shove. "Shit!" Ashlee yelled as she fell off Joey's shoulders and into the water with a splash.

"Awww yeah, now that's what I'm talkin bout!" Justin shouted triumphantly, punching the air with his fist. Jordan tugged on his curly hair gently, signaling for him to let her down. He lowered himself into the water enough so that she could slip off his shoulders easily. She slid off, and stood next to Justin and Joey in the pool.

"See Joey, I TOLD you we could kick your ass. Ashlee may be stronger than me, but we have a mental focus of the game that you two OBVIOUSLY don't. Hence, Ashlee falling for that stupid line Justin pulled out of his ass." Jordan said laughing as she began swimming away from the redhead.

Jordan and Ashlee hopped out of the pool and began toweling themselves off. "Let's DO something guys, I'm bored." commented Tressa, looking at the group over her sunglasses.

"Um...what do ya wanna do?" Leigh asked her from the edge of the pool. She turned back to the water right as JC and Chris did huge cannonballs into the pool, splashing her in the face. "Yeah...thanks guys. That was REAL nice of ya." she commented dryly as they laughed hysterically with Justin and Joey.

"Hey guys, do you wanna do some karaoke?" Johnny asked, walking onto the pool deck with his wife Donna. "We can have a little contest or something. Then you guys can swim some more until it's time to eat. How does that sound?"

Rachel looked at Jordan mischeviously. "Actually Johnny, that sounds like a good idea. Sorta a best band wins sorta thing eh? Girls, I got us the PERFECT song."

"Fine, I'm in...as long as there are a few GROUND rules." JC said to Rachel, nudging Justin and grinning.

"Alright, I'm down with that...homie. Hahaha." Rachel laughed.

"Ok, how's this, not only do you have to sing...BUT you have to have the best improv dance moves to go along with your song. So pick your song ladies...and you can have the pleasure of going first." he said.

After talking for a few minutes, the girls decided upon a song. The 5 boys got out of the pool and were standing along the edge, talking about what song they would perform. Tressa went over to Johnny, whispered something in his ear, then made her way back to the girls before the strains of a familiar song started playing over the loud speakers near the pool.

"A Scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly..."

"Also known as a buster"

The girls began singing and dancing as the guys turned to watch them "perform".

As Rachel's solo approached, she walked over to JC, who had turned his back to her and was saying something to Lance. "...Cuz I'm lookin like class and he's lookin like trash, can't get with a deadbeat ass.." As she said 'ass', she grabbed JC's butt and then pushed him gently. She caught him by surprise though and he fell backwards into the pool before he could catch himself.

"Ahahahah, I am sorry guys, I can't sing anymore!" Jordan started laughing hysterically. "When you did the bun honk, you should have seen that boys face girl!" she nudged Rachel, who was trying to catch her breath from laughing.

All the rest of the girls stopped singing long enough to catch their breath, but after taking another look at a really pissed off JC, they burst out laughing once more. "Awww JC!!! You know that I did that all in fun." Rachel exclaimed, giddy with laughter.

"Fine, all in fun...that's cool. Now it's our turn to sing...so stand back lil girl." JC pushed past Rachel and made his way over to Johnny, leaving a dripping trail of water the entire way.

After JC made his way back to the boys, they all turned their back to the five girls, as the beginning of the Village People's "Macho Man" started blaring out of the speakers. "Aww this should be gooood." Tressa said, keeping her eyes glued to the boys in front of her.

The five guys turned around all at once, and began singing and dancing around to the chorus of the familiar song.

"Macho, Macho Man...I want to be...a MACHO MAN!" they all sang obnoxiously. Rachel turned away from the song and dance routine to put her cup down on the poolside table. After turning back to the guys, she spit her soda out as she began laughing hysterically.

The guys had turned to the girls, Justin and Joey had begun flexing their pecs in time with the beat of the music. "Stop it guys...seriously! You're killin me here. Check out those beefy pecs!" she nudged her sister as she was laughing so hard she could barely speak. "Ohmygod guys, this is totally too too funny. You gotta stop before I pee my pants!"

They finished one last chorus of the song, and then stopped singing. They struggled to keep straight faces as they watched the girls. All five of the girls sat in their lawn chairs laughing hysterically. Jordan and Leigh were laughing so hard that they had tears rolling down their tanned cheeks. Rachel, Ashlee, and Tressa were clutching their stomachs, trying desperately to breathe in between giggles.

"You think that's funny do ya?" Joey asked as he looked at his bandmates deviously. "Well how bout this?" he said as he took off running toward the girls, with the other guys close behind.

"Aghhh!" Tressa shouted, still laughing, as Chris picked her up and flung her over his shoulder before running toward the pool.

Joey did the same to Ashlee, as Justin, JC, and Lance chased the other three girls around the lawn chairs. "Aww come back here you guys...we just wanna play." Lance chuckled as he finally caught up with Leigh.

"Play my ass!" Tressa and Ashlee shouted simultaneously from the pool. They had been thrown in by the two men, and were sputtering around after resurfacing from multiple dunkings from the guys.

Lance finally caught up with Leigh, and proceeded to pick her up, then ran toward the pool. He tossed her in like a rag doll before jumping in after her.

"You will NEVER catch me fool!" Rachel shouted, teasing Justin.

"Damn, I was hoping I could." Justin stopped short and pretended to pout, signaling for JC to turn from Jordan and scoop the blonde up. Which he did, then ran and dumped her lanky frame in the teal water.

"You JERK!!" Rachel surfaced, sputtering and glaring at JC, who had jumped in after tossing her in the water. She splashed him, and then started cracking up as she saw Jordan took off past the pool deck. She was running like a track star away from Justin, who was close behind her.

"Just don't let him throw ya in the lake girl!" Leigh giggled, shouting at Jordan as she ran across the lawn. "The fish might bite your toes!"

The four remaining guys and girls began goofing off in the pool, splashing around and dunking each other. They stopped paying attention to Jordan and Justin, who had seemingly disappeared down by the dock.


"SERIOUSLY Justin! Go AWAY!!!" Jordan yelled out, laughing at the blonde's antics. "I am soo out of breath right now, I'm DYIN! Just go away...hahaha." she gasped, stopping for a second to catch her breath.

"Nope, sorry...can't do that. It's your turn to go in. That's what you get for laughin at our pec move. It's like a law now, you laugh...you get thrown in. Cuz I said so...so get back here woman!" Justin grinned playfully as he continued to chase the brunette onto the dock.

After running all that way, Jordan had reached the end of the dock. She was cornered, and had no where else to run. She backed up against the railing, still giggling, as Justin made his way toward her.

"See...now you're stuck! Oh boy, that water will feel so nice and cold won't it?" Justin laughed as Jordan attempted to dodge around him.

He scooped her up in his arms and walked over to the edge of the dock, Jordan kicking and screaming as he neared the water.

"Dude, this is SOOO not funny. PLEEEEEEEASE do NOT throw me in there!" she screeched as he pretended to toss her in. "JUUUUUUSTTTTIN!!"

"Aww yeah ya like that dontcha?!" Justin smiled cheesily down at Jordan who was clinging tightly to his neck, not wanting to be thrown in the lily pad filled lake.

"PLEASE!?!?" Jordan squealed as a last attempt to convince Justin to put her down.

"Alright," Justin said quietly. "I won't throw you in the lake."

"Thanks, you're soo sweet." Jordan said sarcastically, struggling in his arms, trying to get down.

"Ohhh for that comment, you're goin in the pool!" Justin laughed and began walking back up to the pool, a kicking and screaming Jordan in his strong arms.

Once reaching the pool, Justin threw her in, diving in after her. Once she surfaced, she saw Justin laughing at her. "You are so dead boy. Not funny at all." Jordan glared at the curly haired man next to her, trying desperately to keep a straight face.

"Hey, don't be mad...it was just for fun." Justin said, moving closer to Jordan.

"I know, I was just teasin...I couldn't be mad at that face. I feel bad enough for ya cuz you're stuck with it!" Jordan joked.

Justin grabbed her waist and pulled her quickly toward him. Jordan was surprised by his sudden move, and felt her face flush as he moved his face in close to hers. "Hey guys, dinner's about ready!" Johnny said, interrupting the kiss that Justin was about ready to plant on Jordan's lips.

Jordan turned away shyly, hoping Johnny hadn't noticed how close Justin had been to her. 'Damn' she thought, 'Why do I always have the worst luck? Awkward moments should be my middle name!' "Thanks Johnny!" she waved, before making her way to the pool ladder.

Justin watched her swim away from him toward the side of the pool. 'Damn' he thought, 'I am the king of awkwardness. This is never going to work if it keeps going this way!' He felt JC's hand clasp down on his broad shoulder, and turned to see what his friend wanted.

"Good thing Johnny didn't see that huh?" JC said, "You two are getting awfully close aren't you? Do you think that's healthy for your career?"

Justin gave him a confused look, "I dunno..." he trailed off, thinking.

"Just something you might want to consider man. That's all..." JC said as the two men made their way to the edge of the pool and hoisted themselves out. They began toweling off, and then went into the luxurious house to change before dinner.

Chapter 10