Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest

This is the second running for the Castlevania series on the NES. And this time around Konami stuck to the more adventuristic side over the straight up action of the last title. The game still plays pretty much the same as the first. You're bound to a side-scrolling 2D world. And the controls are managable if not slightly sluggish. Along the way you battle many a monster & mythilogical creature. Except this time you can build up your level & obtain various weapons & items to get new areas. Sorta like Zelda. And this new premise adds so much more to this normally straight forward title. The extra searching & the ability of customizing Simon makes the game so much more interesting. You can expect longer play & the same old fun that gave the first Castlevania so much success. Not a whole lot of complaints either. Just that the graphics & control didn't imporve much over the first offering. But for the completely new take on the Castlevania series I'll take it. Enjoy the game.

the Breakdown (10 good to 1 bad)
CategoryRatingHow & Why
Graphics7Similar to 1st Castlevania / Little Improvement
Music8Classic Tunes for a Classic NES Title
Gameplay8A Lot More Variety / Still Kinda Sluggish
Innovation10Complet ely New Take on Castlevania & Done Good too!
Replay9Longer Play Time / Lot more Stuff to keep you Busy

Overall 8.4