Sega Rally 2

Sega Rally 2 for the Sega Dreamcast is a decent rally game for the time being, but it's hardly what I was expecting. Let's start off with the gameplay aspect. It doesn't bring anything new to the table that hasn't already been done before. The terrain and weather affects your car's performance. There's also a boat load of options to tinker with (ranging from wheel type to suspension). And in most cases you're fighting with the road as opposed to your opponents (thus the rally aspect). The control set-up is sound and works properly, but I'm having a hard time finding the excitement and the adrenaline rush that other racing titles have. Quite frankly the game feels like a graphical update to the original Sega Rally that appeared on the Saturn (and note: I like the original better). Not neccessarily a bad thing, but it just doesn't work for this sequel. On top of that though, the graphics aren't anything to write home about. The terrain while realistic just isn't very stylish or interesting. And what hurts the most is the bouncing framerate (and it does affect the gameplay). At times you'll be sailing along smoothly and then as you make a sharp turn the framerate plummets to 10 or 20 making it very choppy and sometimes confusing. Considering their isn't much onscreen, I can't figure out why the producers couldn't keep it a steady 30 frames per second. Ultimately it might not be the next coming you were hoping for. But as a bargain price game it's a decent title that'll hold you over until something more interesting comes along.

Category Rating How & Why?
Graphics 6 Frame Rate Bounces from Decent to Choppy / Terrain is Okay, Nothing Special / Presentation Reminiscent of the Orignal Sega Rally on Saturn...
Music 6 Some Forgettable Techno Tracks / Soundeffects are Average
Gameplay 7 Racing with a Rally Theme (ie, terrain and road conditions affect car's performance) / Pretty Similar to the Original, Not a Whole Lot of Surprises / Sound Control Set-Up / Lots of Different Equipment and Stats to Play Around with on Your Car...
Innovation 6 Again this Doesn't Offer Much Over the Original Sega Rally / And Quite Frankly I'm Bored with Racing Games as of Lately...
Replay 5 Lots of Modes to Play Through and Options to Tweak / Gameplay is Average and probably won't hold your attention too long...

Overall 6.0

Written by ShinjZ on November 09, 2000