Dragon Warrior

Ah, the grand-daddy of all role playing games to come after it. Yes, Dragon Warrior was the first RPG out for the NES. Released by Enix & not the now popular Squaresoft oddly enough. While the story might not be that involved, it still has all the elements that now define RPG. One being the main character who gets level-ups & builds upon his aspects such as strength & defense. The second being the enourmous map & many towns that you must scower to find helpful objects & weapons. And third being the battles that take place with menus & provide the player with severl actions to take against an enemy. Everything's here that you would be expecting out of any old RPG. The story is cliche by today's terms with the brave, yound warrior having to battle dragons & rescue the fair maiden. But what can you do, it was original in it's day. And the graphics and music are pretty rotten too. But it's not like that it wasn't a 1st generation NES title either. And the character does move incredibly slow as well. At least they fixed that in other games. It's still fun to play & to see how the first ever RPG was like. And if you can find it (save option still working), by all means pick it up. It's a rare chance when you can get to play THE game that started it all.

the Breakdown (10 good to 1 bad)
CategoryRatingHow & Why
Graphics3Flat & Blocky World / Like Lego-Land
Music4You can Almost Hear the Theme / But it's Annoying
Gameplay7Average Battle Menu System / Slow Moving Character
Innovation10It's the 1st RPG / Set the Standards that were to be Copied over & over
Replay8You'll Definitely Want to See How it Ended Up / That's if you can get Past the Graphics & Music

Overall 6.4