Bomberman Hero

For crying out loud! What happened to the mighty Bomberman? Well he's been stuck in another boring 3D platformer. I can only take so many lifeless games like this on the N64. Now don't read this wrong. I like 3D platforming games and my N64, but only if it's done right like Mario 64. But this, this is just plain tedious and uninteresting. Your pathway is pretty much laid out for you offering very few diversions for exploration. While the focus of the game remains on collecting Remote Controls (hmm, almost sounds like Gex). And the bosses don't spice anything up either. You can at least throw bombs, but that's the only real catch this cookie-cutter title has. The graphics and difficulty have definitely been geared towards children. Everything is simple in design and colorful despite an awful lot of metallic colors. And it'll require little skill to beat in a few days. Maybe your kid brother or sister will enjoy it. But I'd recommend buying Mario 64 or Bomberman 64 over this title anyday.

Duh, where do I go??? I'M GONNA BLOW YOU UP!!! Spikes in a 3D Platformer? NO WAY!!!

(thanks to for the pics)

Category Rating How & Why?
Graphics 6 Simple and Colorful Design / Too Kiddy for my Taste / Lacks Personality and Bomberman Feel / Camera Angles are Sometimes a Problem
Music 6 Annoyingly Fluffy Kiddy Tunes with Classic Bomberman Soundeffects
Gameplay 5 Average 3D Platforming Antics / Collect Alot of Remotes and Blow a Few Things Up / Very Tedious and Uninteresting for the Older Crowd
Innovation 5 Bomberman is Back but unfortunately he's stuck in a Forgettable 3D Platformer / How about another Genuine Bomberman Title???
Replay 4 Not too Challenging and Definitely Geered towards Children / Timely Item Collecting (if that sounds fun) / Better Bomberman Titles and 3D Platform Games Exist...

Overall 5.2

Review written by ShinjiZ for on January 10, 2001