_______Mega Man X4_________________

The X Series continues on the PSX in this latest installment of Mega Man. The graphics have greatly approved of course with the jump from 16-bit to 32-bit. Including loads of detailed & fluid animation. And with the accompanyment of Anime FMV cut scenes that help tell the story for the audience. As always the gameplay couldn't be any more perfect than what it already is. So you can expect smooth play throughout the game. There's a lot to do here as well. From finding the upgrade armor to battling gigantic robots. Very entertaining & it really tests your skills. The overall challenge is pretty decent even though I find the older NES games to be more of a work-out. Again, as with the rest of the series the game is too short. But with all the other excellent factors going for it, I don't think it makes much difference. Still one heck of a game that I'm sure any old-time fan will enjoy regardless of it's 2D nature. Check it out!

the Breakdown (10 good to 1 bad)
CategoryRatingHow & Why
Graphics10Can't get this much Better
Music7Decent, but it's Nothing Special
Gameplay10Perfect w/ addition of the Wall Jump
Innovation5About the Same as Other X Games/Nothing New, A Good Play
Replay8Some Secrets to Find, You'll Only Comeback for the FMV

Overall 8.0