Bubsy 3D

Jeez, what happened to Bubsy with this horrible game? Let's start with the graphics. Okay, none of the polygons have any textures, meaning it's looks awfully blocky (almost Atari Jaquar quality). Secondly there's this unpresidented fog that lurks everywhere & makes things look doubley bad (worse than N64 fog!). So if you're picking up this game for it's pure graphic prowess, forget it! Now the control. Bubsy moves awfully slow and stiff for a ferocious bob-cat. And the camera always sticks on you. So if there's an enemy shooting at you from behind, you don't realize it until you're already dealt the damage. And that wouldn't be so bad if they weren't everywhere trying to kill you. Only if the camera would pan to let see the action around you. Second is the fact about the goofy jumping controls. When Bubsy makes a leap the camera shifts to over-head shot. So in the transition you get disoriented. Of course meaning you end up missing the jump. And this completely sucks because most of the time you're making crucial platform jumps. Prepare for massive frustration folks. For the 3D platform fans you'd best stick with Gex3D (Gex has way-better wise-cracking) or even Blasto! Because this is the worst 3D game I've ever seen.

Category Rating How & Why?
Graphics 2 Unforgiveably Blocky / Horrendous Fog Kills the View / Too Many Platforms
Music 2 Cornball Remakes of Carnival & Classic Themes / The Music is as Bad as the Game
Gameplay 2 Stiff Controls / Unmovable Camera / The Worse Jumping Scheme I've Ever Seen
Innovation 3 It tried to be the first 3D Platformer / Ended up Falling Flat on it's Face (literally)
Replay 1 After a Single 3-Minute Play you're Done with this Game Forever

Overall 2.0