Alien 3

Alien 3 turned out to be a pretty decent title if not some what boring one. While the play mechanics don't fit with the movie plot, it all manages to work out. The basic premise is to make it through each area while completing some basic objectives. Oh, and you have to watch out for the Aliens as well. While seeking an end to your mission you happen upon several helpful items. You can find different types of weapons like acid, flame, & the gernade guns to blast away nasty Aliens. Not to mention the all important health refill & armor. Stuff you've probably all seen a dozen times before. Most of the backgrounds are just a bunch of cluttered corridors with a few unique outside areas. And the aliens are all pretty much the same aside from the ocassional "Super Alien". It's just that there's no surprises or nothing unique about the game to make it worthy of your money. It's not a bad game, but like I said where's the personality of the title? Why couldn't there have been some parts where the Aliens make a surpise appearance & scare you. Or where there's a lot of tension building because you don't know from which angle the Aliens are coming. Something to give the title that Aliens-feel & actaully put the license to good use. Without those factors though, Alien 3 becomes nothing more than a basic commando game.

Secret Codes & Tips
Category Score How & Why
Graphics 6 Most areas are Blacked-out / Same Backgrounds Over & Over / Some Aliens are Huge
Music 6 Eerie & Dead Silence / Suits the Atmosphere / Kinda wish there were some Fast Tracks for Heated Moments
Gameplay 6 Uninspired Contra Action / Good Variety in Weapons / Should have been able to do more
Innovation 5 Yet another Average Side-Scroller / Aliens License could have been used Better
Replay 5 Die-hard Alien Fans will Love this / But the Rest of the Gaming Community won't find much to enjoy

Overall Score: 5.6

Written by ShinjiZ - Last Updated: 7-3-1999