Mortal Kombat 2

Ah, a blood filled version of Mortal Kombat 2 on the SNES. And guess what? With the blood & guts this game turns out to be so much better than the Genesis version. But let's not compare the two. Instead let's see how MK2 fares to it's maker MK1. The graphics are definitely more detailed & have a greater overall sense over the first title. And all the fatalities & moves from the arcade have been faithfully reproduced in the SNES rev. Nothing has been editied & the game stands out with it's bright red colors. Though the controls are still 'ify'. I just don't like tapping in all kinds of directions to get moves off. Though the MK crowd simply loves it. Luckily there's a greater varitey in fatalities. Ranging from Friendships to Babalities. Corny, but somehow cool none-the-less. There's also a larger cast featuring favorites such a Scorpion & Reptile. I should also add that this is the best cast ever made for the series despite the absense of Sonya & Kano. And Montaro easily puts Goro to shame in terms of design. This game is just leaps & bounds ahead of it's predessesor, it's amazing. If there was ever an MK game to own then Mortal Kombat 2 is it. Becuase simply put, no other MK game can compare to it.

Category Rating How & Why?
Graphics 8 Lot's of Detail / Complete & Gory Fatalities / Looks Blocky at Times though it's Sharper than the Genesis rev
Music 7 the same classic moody drums & bass that always been with the series
Gameplay 8 you Love It or you Hate it / Plenty of Fatalities & other moves to keep you busy
Innovation 10 Finally a Graphic Game on the SNES!!! Nothing like it at the time!
Replay 7 It's was Definitely Fun to Play / But after Mastering the Game there wasn't much left over

Overall 8.0