
*‡* Flippy and Missip's NSYNC Fan Fic*‡*

.... Our Stories ....
Welcome to Flippy and Missip's Nsync Fan fiction. I will repeat..FICTION. If you believe any of their stories..you are..well..your very dillsional. So sit back and relax in your computer chair. I would give a pic of John M. M.'s dimples but..you know how it is.
|_|_|Last Updated|_|_|

€·*·€·*·€August 16 , 1999 4:34 PM {EST}€·*·€·*·€


Aloha! How are the peoplez today? As you could probably see from last night , Flippy was snorting pixie stix. I believe she saw Mario bop out of a green box.... I clicked the link to come here and see if Flips had updated and I was like 'what the forkiness?' Anyway , Flippy and I will actually say something nice about Justin if someone tells us what the hell sister sites are meant for. What do they do? I'm completely oblivious to this! Oh well , I'm putting the HTML codes for my new Chapter story right after this. Sunday , everyone. Sunday.



••••• For all you people that have come the BIG page first , and would like to try the small page , because this one takes time to load , go to Our page got HELLA skinny

•••• Flippy and Missip LOVE to get e-mails. They can be about ANYTHING. Just not "OHMYGOD! HOW THE HELL COULD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT JUSTIN-POO????" Come on...you know you wanna... As Nike says "Just Do It" and if you take that any other way then meant...leave..now!

••• Yes..this page has changed names quite a few times. Bree owned it once...then Flippy did...and now Flippy and Missip own it. Bree also onced a now gone site called "Maddie's Nsync Fictional Hell-o-meter". As Bree once said "It bombed worse than a nuclearer warhead"

•• If you didn't know already , Flippy and Missip have a great dislike for one Mr. Justin Randall Timberlake. in other words...that hate him as much as humanly possible. They make fun of him alot in their stories. Be careful..some of them are harsh.

• The girls update as much as possible. With school coming up , their scedules will be croked. Plus , their school is getting uniforms. Give them some time to get over the shock of wearing green polo shirts with emboreded jaguars on them....

••€€**€€•• And now I'll let you go somewhere ••€€**€€••

The Den of Misery Otherwise known as stories.

Links to Bigger and Better Sites and Stories

The Fan Fiction Awards of the 'Net

One Of The Finest Guys!

Why Would They Give A Rat's Ass?
pic of the day
If you take ANYTHING from this site I will personally rip out your spleen. Then , Missip,Flippy and Bree will eat it for dinner 'cause their evil like that. DO NOT TAKE MY LAYOUT!. I scanned the pics , wrote the stories and took time out of my life to make those damned buttons! I luv you Joey! no! Not Fatone Joey. My own personally Joey....luvs 4 u! Anyway! If I find out you stole my stuff , you'll be beheaded. enough?

Email: polosptgur@aol.com