Peoples Fan Fiction Awards

These are a list of Fan fiction awards that people are hosting. Nominate me if you want , I don't give a flying Freedman (Inside joke) My writing sucks and I , plus everyone else , knows it. But there are other really good sites out there that deserve awards. Like Justine and Fly Gurl and Story Gurl and Lesley. Aight? And most of these places have links to the nominees. You may be able to find some good Fan fic and get off my page :)

I believe that at the awards below, only the webmasters are aloud to nominate the site. I have not nominated myself at any of these sites. And I will only do so if someone e-mails me and thinks I deserve it. (Yeah..right)

||the *n sync oscars||

When Maddie closed down her site , the webmaster of this site (Webmonster , I believe) e-mailed her and told her not to give up. Of course , "Maddie's Fictional Hell-o-mter" was a lost cause. But it was still very sweet of Webmonster to encourage her.


This is all I have for now , but if you have A fanfiction award thinga ma bobber (Alex! Look what you made me do!) Just e-mail me with the banner. Or , if its a link , e-mail it to be in HTML form. Please? To send your banner & links or to inform me that you want me nominated , my e-mail should be just below this.

+ The Main Page+ The Stories Page+ Fan Fiction Award Places to Nominate Me!+
