What About The Girl?

Based on the Tim McGarw song "Don't Take the Girl"


Jimmy tossed the last blanket into the back of the pick-up truck. He leaned back and jumped down so he could quite leaning of the flip thingy. He then ran to his father , his new shoes clicked.

"Daddy! Daddy! I got all the stuff in there! ," 6 year old Jimmy yelled to his dad who was on the front porch kissing his wife.

Jimmy ran up beside his father and stood there listening to him mother and father talk.

"Did you see the new neighbors , Diane? " His father said , motioning over the hedges to the quiet blue house with the moving vans around it.

"I caught a glimpse. A little girl , about Jimmy's age. Maybe they'll be playmates, " His mother smiled , patting Jimmy's head.

'Eww! Girls!" Was Jimmy's reply, " Come on , daddy , I wanna go horseback riding Now ."

"Fine. You go ahead and get in the truck ," His dad said , then watched the hyper child run to the truck and struggle to open the door.

He picked up the saddle from beside his foot and carried it down the cement pathway. He put in the in bed of the truck , making sure not to get it wet.

Jimmy was still struggling with the door.

And thats when he saw her. Over the bed of the truck , the little girl from next door stood , dragging a large saddle from behind. Her old faded jeans and checked shirt was a telltale sign she wanted to come to.

He looked up a bit , to find the girl's parents standing , smiling hopefully. Jimmy's dad , We'll call him 'Jim' , thought for a moment. Then , decided to take her. Maybe Jimmy and the girl could be friends.

Jimmy looked up from his place beside the door and saw then girl , dragging the saddle. He stepped back to look over the bed of the truck , to see his dad's reaction. He's smiling! He's gonna bring a GIRL on OUR horseback riding trip! Jimmy thought.

He stomped his way around the truck and in front of his father. His dad was about to go over and help the girl with her saddle. She had stopped dragging and looked like she was going to cry. Jimmy grabbed his father's hand before he could move. 'Jim' looked down , a questioning look on his face. Jimmy motioned for him to come down to his height.

When his father had reached the height needed , Jimmy whispered ," Dad! We can't bring a GIRL! You can take Eric. You can take the bully down the street! But don't take that little girl!" He pointed toward the little girl.

"We can't leave her behind. She'll cry ," He said , letting go of his sons hand and walked toward the girl. He took her saddle and put in into the back of the blue pick up and grabbed her little hand. One they reached the door , he picked her up and set her in the middle of the truck seat.

Jimmy had managed to gewt the door open and climb up the side. The little girl looked his way , he just turned and looked out the window.

Her eyes filled up with tears as she watched the boys reaction to her. Her hands shook from their place on the seat. She began to trace the patterns on it to pass some time. And for a comfort not to cry.

"So , whats your name? I'm 'Jim' and that's my son , Jimmy. Say hi Jimmy ," He father ordered , starting the truck up and started down Batta Street.

"I'm..my name...Katie ," she finally stated after some stumbling. She looked up with hope at the man that had decided to give her a welcome to this new and strange town. She'd be forever grateful.

She also looked at the little boy beside her. Whom mumbled a rough 'hi' and scooted away from her.

This was gonna be a long day.


Ten Years Later. Age 16.

Katie and Jimmy walked down the dark street to Jimmy's car. The two had just come back from their movie date.

His hand grazed her , not knowing if he should take it or not. His thoughts were drowned when she grabbed his , and looked up into his eyes.

They talked and laughed all the way down the street. They even stole a couple of quick kisses. Katie told the funniest jokes and sometimes not at all the right times. Like when they were eating or drinking. And Lance was just the greatest , as Katie thought.

They had come a long way from the 6 years olds who hated each other.

Lance laughed as Katie finished her joke and kissed him again , this time bringing it a little deeper and longer.

The feeling that Jimmy felt when Katie was ripped from his arms is unexplainitory. At first he was shocked. Had he done something wrong?

He turned to see a middle aged man holding Katie with a knife to her throat. The man was dirty , his clothes were ripped and things looked to live in his hair.

"Gimme your money , lover boy. Or I'll slit her open and suck the blood off my knife ," The man ordered , licking Katie's neck. Her paniced look told him what to do.

He was surprised he was as calm as he was. Jimmy took the wallet from the back of his jeans and threw it on the floor.

"Here. My wallet ," He said before taking off the braclet on his right arm, " The braclet my grandma gave me."

"Thats it?" The dirty man said , once again licking Katie's neck. She was crying , not just crying , but sobbing. Her eyes closed and her body trembled.

Jimmy reached deep down into the jean pockets and pulled out his car keys ," Heres my keys. Its the green one around the corner. Come on , Mister , don't hurt her. Please , don't hurt her."

To Katie , Jimmy was sounding so helpless and desperate. She had never heard him like this. Her sobs grew as the man pushed her harder into the brick wall.

The man garbbed her by the elbows and pushed her toward Jimmy. Luckily , Jimmy caught her in time so that she wouldn't fall onto the cement.

The guy ran off with everything Jimmy had given him. The two were left in each others arm, Katie sobbing into his jacket.


10 years later , Age 26

When NSYNC ended , Jimmy, a.k.a Lance , and Katie got married and moved to California. A dream of theirs since at 18. They had kept their relationship a hidden from the fans. The only people who knew about them were their parents and families. But when the two got married , the world knew.

Nine months earlier , Katie found herself pregnant. Jimmy and her were so happy. A child was just the thing they wanted.

Katie and Lance announced it at Thanksgiving. They stood up at the table and began to sing a simple lullaby that each one's parents use to sing to them when they were children. Eveyrone understood and screamed happy cheers.

Katie had sat in the armchair placed in the living room of the two story house that day. She was engulfed in the trash novel she got for 20 cents at the grocery store. Lance was outside playing with the puppy they got a couple weeks ago , Slammber.

She was turning to the next page when she got that feeling. The feeling that her water had broken. She screamed Lance's name and he came to the sliding glass door.

"Did you drop the remote again? " He joked , a frisbee in his hand.

"Its time ," She said calmly , trying to get up. Lance called Slamber in a shut the glass door , then rushed to his wife.


"Lance , that is such a stupid question. I'm not even going to answer. Now go get my stuff. I'll be in the car ," She ordered , making little steps toward the garage door.

A couple hours later

Lance stood up when he saw the doctor walk toward him. He had been watching his wife from the little window in the wash room. For a couple hours now.

"How are they?" Lance asked ,his Adidas tracing little circles on the tiled floor. His green eyes met the blues of the doctors.

"Mr. Bass , the baby's fine. But , you must leave. You can't watch any longer ," The doctor informed , looking at his clip board.

Lance looked over the doctor's shoulder and into the room. he was to far away to see anything.

"Mr. Bass....his momma's fading fast..." The doctor started.

Lance's face began to sport tears. The doctor had told him everything. His wife was going to die. He was going to be left with a baby. Without his wife. Without.With.Out.

The doctor was called back into the room after a moment of two. When the door opened , he could hear Katie scream in pain. He swore he felt his heart rip in two.

Lance wandered aimlessly for a couple minutes. Looking at the paintings on the wall. Thinking about all the time Katie and he had spent together. Thinking about how he was going to raise this baby. And wondering why.

He walked until he came upon an emty hallway. He looked at the painting on the celing. His hands grazed upon the tile. His tears hit the floor and splashed back a little.

It was in that hallway that he hit his knees and spoke these words:

"Take the very breath you gave me/ Take the heart from my chest/ I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me/ Make this my last request/ Take me outta this world/ God, please/ Don't take the girl"

How do you say...End?

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