Awards I Have Received
Be sure to visit their sites. Just click on the awards
Thank you so much, Lindy!!
One horse enthusiast to another :o)
Visit the White Wolves site to learn more about wolves and test your knowledge and survival skills while you are there
Thank you Debbie :o) What a wonderful surprise!! A much cherished one :o)
Thank you VERY much Two Trees :o)
Thank you so much Blueyes :o) I had to take a double take before I finally realized how this award came about. Mystery since solved, I just love surprises :o)
Thank you JD
2 for the price of one ;o), as you and Blueyes are lifemates *S* <
August 26 '99>
Thank you Kimmi :o) A terrific way to encourage a newbie like me *S* Please visit her site to learn how you may protect your children on the Internet
background music-- "Feelin' Groovy" ..by Simon and Garfunkel