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we have played alot of shows since this was last updated so im not gonna list them, but there were alot of good ones. i guess i will tell the highlight was playing with the Ballydowse a real touring oi band from out west somewere. for those of you who dont know punk. there good and have the singer from Crashdog and other great early nineties punk bands. look for us to start playing again sometime this year.

well they finally got the recording done. But now they are waiting for them to be recorded on to cd's.

Right now, they are recording. Hopefully they'll get the recording done soon.

The show on the 20th of August was a good show. Spikenard came and opened for the Illegeds. Spikenard was a good band, and they put on a nice testimony and all. Over all Spikenard did a good job! Then The Illegeds came onto the stage, and performed awesomely!!!! It was exelant. They are gonna do a show over Labor Day weekend. Stay tuned for that show.

They put on a good show 8/17/99, in Pickerington, Ohio. It was in a church, and im not sure what the name was, but I'll move on. This was one of there best shows to date. The Illegeds played an exelant show, but one of the symbols kept falling over, but Jason (like always) still made it sound good. Phil messed up on a couple things, but he pulled through and it still sounded good. The vocals sounded sweet, just because you could actually here them.And then John was pulling off some sweet jumps. He also used a three row studded guitar strap I made for him. So it looked pretty sweet. The show was exelant. And they recorded a live tape on a tape deck that the church had, and they would have made live tapes to sell, but the vocals were way to loud. So they are going to record a live tape at the show on the 20th of August! Stay tunned!

They just put a show on in Lithopilis, Ohio. At Jonathens church. There was just the youth, and a couple of friends there. It was a cool little show. There were a couple of mess ups, like they forgot to put an end of a song on. And Andy didnt know the two new songs, or some of the lyrics that changed from not showing up at practices.

The third show, was at Jonathens house, on the back deck. It was like a party/show to me. They played a good show, since Phil just got a new cabnet, (four 12's, and an awesome head), and then Jonathen got he stack working. And there was free food, so it was great. It was a cool and fun show.

The second show, was at Phils graduation party. It was outside, and it was in the country at night. So there were buggs like crazy!! People showed up, that I never knew. Two of Phils friends brought some of there friends and so on and so on. It was a good concert, but Jonathens stack went out. They didn't really plan for this show. It was set up in one day. The first show, and the second, were in the span of 24 hrs. This show was an alright show.

The first show was at a church near Columbus, I'm not sure where it was at. The show went allright. There were equipment failer, but other wise it was a good show. They stopped to long in between songs, because of the equipment. And I think it was Phils guitar, that kept shutting off. But other wise it was a cool show. The drummer was doing really good I thought that night. But its no difference, he rocks ever time!!! They have one heck of a drummer in there band (Jason).