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Back To The Future

This is an excellent trillogy. There is just the right balance of suspence, action, and comedy to keep any age entertained. The main character is named Marty, and throughout the movies, he is seen in 1985, 1955, 2015, and even in 1885. My favorite part about the Back to the Future movies is the way that all the small things that stay the same in each time period. In 2015, Marty is seen at the Cafe 80's. In 1985, the same location is a gym and in 1885 its a saloon.

All three of the Back to the Future movies have some of the same parts in them. For instance, how Biff always falls into manure, or how Marty wakes up thinking that he's dreaming.

There is always a mind teaser to think about with these movies too. There are so many questions with time travel. A good one that is argued is how can Marty see his future self? If he traveled forward in time, he would not have lived all the years in between and therefore would not be there in the future. In the scene where Doc sends the dog into the future to the dogs perspective there is no future version of its self but when Marty goes it to the future there is an adult version of him self, in fact if he would have never grown up if would have went 30 years into the future it would have been as if he would have disappeared for 30 years. Tricky, huh?

What the Flux?
A true fan put this one together. This is all about the flux capacitor.
BTTF: Time Control