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To Jimmy and Jeffrey's 'Lil Spot on the WWW!!!!

Hi! Our names are Jimmy and Jeffrey and we're brothers! We wanted to have a webpage of our own cuz our mom has lots of them herself..fair is fair mom! So, we'll show you our favorite things to do and whatever! Have fun clicking around! And, if ya feel like it, visit our mom's website too.. Steph's Gifs-n-Stuff

How's that mom? Can we have our allowance now....PLEASE?!

One of our favorite things to do is watch Veggie Tales movies. Some of our favorite characters are Archibald Asparagus, Baby Lou Carrot, Bob Tomato & Larry Cucumber, Scooter Carrot, Frankencelery, Madame Blueberry, and Peach.

Wanna see where you can buy the Veggie Tales movies, books and play some cool online games? Then pay a visit to Big Idea

Ok, another thing we like to do is listen to music. One of our favorite groups is *drumroll* HANSON! Our mom got us liking them instead of the other way around! But then again, being force-fed their music on a daily basis since the first time she heard MMMBop, hasn't helped much either! As a matter of fact, mom likes them so much, she has 4 Hanson websites. (is that the definition of "obsession"??) So, click on the picture of Hanson to go to the one she's making us link this picture to! LOL!

Ok mom, we advertised 2 times for you, does that mean we get a double allowance??

We also like to watch the Indiana Jones movies, Wallace and Grommit, Star Wars, and anything else mom allows us to get our hands on! We fight a lot, but mom always knows how to get us to stop.... no mom! please! gimme that movie baaaaaaaaccccccckkkkkk!!!!!!!! Man she can be rough! LOL!

This is the face we make when we want to make mom laugh! -->

Ummm...what else could we tell you? Oh! We love to play Nintendo64, and computer games like Quake, Amber: Journeys Beyond, Bad Day on the Midway (mom and her freaky relatives!), Pacman, Pinball, Myst, and Corridor 7

Guess that's it for now! Thanks for stopping by!
~Jimmy and Jeffrey

Please take a minute to sign our guestbook. Maybe mom will do the guestbook like she does our report cards. For every A we get $1. So, maybe for every signature we get, we'll get $1?? It's worth a try!

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