
Ok....here I go on my soapbox again. There isn't much to rant about this time though.

#1 What is it with guys always making promises they won't or can't keep? that's my main beef. I mean, a guy tells you he will call that night...you wait and wait like a pathetic loser and no phone call. What is up with that!?! It really pisses me off. I have a lot of things that need to be done, but no I am always the one sitting around waiting for my important phone call that never comes. And then the guy calls...and he's like...I was playing basketball or some other lame excuse. Yeah right buddy...you were probably choking the chicken or something else. if you even liked me at all you would call me!

#2 Why is it that guys insist on acting like penises. I know they have them, but what is the deal? Is that really the brain you think with? I am sick of guys that are selfish bastards and only take their feelings into consideration. It really pisses me off.

#3 what is it with backstabbing people. It seems like most people today are that way. It irks me off. Why are people so hypocritical and ignorant? they have no clue how stupid they sound when being that way, because things usually get back to the person they are talking about.

#4 what is it with parents treating their 21 year old daughter like a pre schooler! I mean, i try to go out and they give me the 3rd degree....I CAN TAKE CARE OF MY FRIGGIN SELF!!! ARRRRGHHHHH!!!!!

ok....so i have a lot more rants this time...may be because i am way bitchy today and i just want to smack someone...who knows...