My poetry

You come to me with open arms willing to hold me while I cry.

Caring about me when no one else seems to.

Lending me your ear when no one else would listen to my tears, screams, fears.

When I am alone, the thought of you comforts me.

I feel your strong arms,

See your paint stained hands,

But you are not there.

You've built walls which I would tear down if I had the chance.

But I will never have that chance.

You know me too well,

But the one thing you don't that I love you.


Little girl, hiding in the corner--crying--

Her father had hurt her--violated her,

She wonders why--wonders what she has done

Her mother is yelling now--calling her a whore

Just because she is growing up?

She thinks about dying

No--she will not die today

She will just go one crying

in her little corner

For the rest of her life

My Sweet Angel

My sweet angel--

I watch you sleeping

Your strong body totally relaxed

Moonlight crosses the bed, leaving you in an unearthly glow.

You stir restlessly--perhaps caught in a dream

But I am here--watching over you

As if you feel my prescence you slowly open your sweet eyes and take me into your arms.

We make love, and again I watch you--my angel--sleep.


Sometimes I feel like

the whole world hates me

Everyone ignores me

No one even cares

Sometimes I feel like

the whole world loves me

everyone pays attention

everyone cares.

Never Ending Love

I thought our love was never ending, sweet and pure.

I thought our love was never ending, but now I am unsure.

You've told me lies, cheated on me--

Just how loving do you expect me to be?

I thought our love was never ending

I guess it was all a lie.

Melissa 1999

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