Sex & Violence (and artful nekkidness)
from the dream sequence in my fic -
Mummymon loses his Digi-core
Arukenimon & Mummymon
taking advantage of a shorter
version of Arukeni's dress...
Special Nekkid version of the
Arukenimon pic.
Special Nekkid version of the
Mummymon pic, complete with
genuine Japanese mosaic censoring
fairly graphic MummArch hentai -
for once Arukeni's more anxious
than Mummymon ;)
Li'l fanfic
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

I : Mad Wendigo Hurtin'
II : Tsukaimon, Digivolve
III : Cody's Lunch
IV : Strawberries
V : What a Girl Wants
VI : More Than Enough
VII : Better Than Nothing

Mummymon & Arukenimon get quite a beatdown and emotions run high. Plenty-o-cursin' and nasty injuries. Parts One through Three are violent and a little angsty, part Four is fluffy and a little angsty with a touch of naughtiness, and parts Five and Six are flat-out NC-17. Part Seven is a little tamer. The story is ending there for a while, unless some plot occurs to me. Critiques are welcome - if there's something I should fix, let me know. Well, apart from comma splices and their ken.


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