Musings and Miscellany

If anyone has any contributions, or would like their quotes changed or removed, just let me know!


A slightly slanted Digimon 02 episode guide

A transcript of part of Digimon 02 Episode 48


Mummymon's Best Wooing Speech (503k) from Dark Sun, Dark Spore

Mummymon & Arukenimon in Japanese (237k) from their first real scene together, right after they leave Giga House.


Aru's Bad Day (1.4 meg) Part of Aru's death scene in Japanese. I'm not sure how good this file format is, so if anyone has trouble with it let me know and I'll try encoding it differently.

Musings and Theories (swiped off Megchan's message board)


Was it actually Oikawa's DNA coded into data that was used to create Mummymon and Arukenimon, or was it Myotismon's substance hidden within him that he unknowingly used? Or perhaps some combination of the two? A line of Myotismon's dialog could be interpreted as saying when he took up residence in Oikawa, he coded himself in somehow ("And when I found you, I used you to store my data- then you and I became as one." -Malomyotismon to Oikawa). Does this mean that the DNA Oikawa used was not just his own, but tainted with Myotismon's as well?
It does seem like Mummymon was derived from Myotismon, at least. In his more human form, he looks like he might be a warped version of Myotismon. It's the same build, only hunched over, and even his coat seems like a mutation of Myotismon's, with the gold buttons smooshed around at random, the similar studded cuffs and gloves. He certainly didn't inherit the mean streak, though, looks like Arukenimon got that. Looks more like he got Oikawa's tendency to obsess.


For that matter (if I may add another perspective to your already fascinating idea), we already know that Myotismon clouded Oikawa's knowledge of certain things, such as the true purpose of the Dark Spores and the card combination to the Digital World. It's very possible that Oikawa didn't know the whole truth behind Arukenimon and Mummymon's origins. Certainly the two of them seemed somewhat surprised when Oikawa revealed the truth of their origin to BWG.
Either way, the idea that Arukenimon and Mummymon are composed of Myotismon's data as well as Oikawa's DNA is really interesting. And I totally agree with the identification of Myotismon's evil streak in Arukenimon and Oikawa's obsessiveness in Mummymon - perhaps a representation of Oikawa's subservience to Myotismon in the pursuit of his own dreams?


I think it was probably just Oikawa's DNA used to create Arukenimon and Mummymon, but Myotismon willed Oikawa to create them. This is a really good question though.

- ipmzero

The next theory was reposted on Megchan's board without attribution. I don't know who wrote it but it's *very* interesting.

Arukenimon and Mummymon represent two different sides of Oikawa's personality.
Arukenimon is his evil, female side (this is almost always male but I guess the writers at digimon wanted to go down a different path) and Mummymon is his good male side. I know what you're thinking "but they're BOTH evil", well I'm not so sure that's so. To understand what I mean, we have to look in to Oikawa's past a bit. Oikawa loved Cody's dad. Not in a gay way (well, maybe) but he still loved him. Then Cody's dad died....and with him, died Oikawa's ability to love. Cody's dad was the only person Oikawa ever got close to (he must have had bad parents), he was the only one who understood him.......and he died. After that Oikawa went well, for lack of better term, mad. He became desperate to go to the digital world and he was willing to do anything to get what he wanted (even soothe his heart with darkness). He didn't care who he hurt as long as he realized his dream. He created Arukenimon and Mummymon out of himself so that, in a way, he could go to the digital world but that didn't help. Now, do you see here I'm going with this? Mummymon IS the part of Oikawa that can love and be close to people. The fact that Mummymon is "dead" and his human form is crippled (he always leans on his cane when he can) only proves my point even more. Mummymon is the part of Oikawa that was defeated when Cody's dad died, that part of him that DID care about what happened and the part that was not willing to lose everything for his dream. The good side of Oikawa had been defeated and controlled by the evil, desperate side.....Arukenimon.
Arukenimon was evil, pure and simple. She was selfish and uncaring. The only thing that mattered to her was accomplishing her goals. Evil always looks down on good with contempt, hence her opinion of Mummymon. Mummymon, on the other hand only really cared about on this as well, he was in love with Arukenimon. Cody's dad's death proved that love and good were weak and couldn't support Mummymon was in love with Arukenimon, the very embodiment of what he viewed as strong. He wanted to achieve Oikawa's goals but when it all came down to it, the thing he really cared about was her. Arukenimon WAS evil.....but that's what she was......She very likely DID love Mummymon but was completely incapable of showing it. The only thing she knew how to do was destroy and control. She was the personification of all Oikawa's hatred and contempt for the world that took his only friend away. When Arukenimon (the only being Mummymon ever loved) died, it was the same as when Cody's dad had died. Mummymon was the same part of Oikawa that had lost Cody's dad. .....if you notice, when Arukenimon was killed, Mummymon acted exactly like Oikawa had.
Arukenimon and Mummymon were only parts of a whole and thereby incapable of change......Oikawa, had both of them within him. Hence, Oikawa finally saw through the hatred and sadness and found a way to make something of his life and by becoming one with the digital world, he really did, finally, achieve happiness.
OK, so.......what do you think?

It was later told to me that I seemed to be saying that Arukenimon and Mummymon were not responsible for their actions, to that I said:

Of course they had minds of their own. They were not being controlled in any way. BUT their minds stemmed from Oikawa. They did seem to be confused as to where their loyalties lay when Oikawa split from Myotismon. They followed Myotismon because he seemed to be telling them to do what Oikawa had been telling them to do. Destroy the digidestined.
I do think that Myotismon's being got mixed up with Arukenimon and Mummymon. That's my theory as to why both of them are evil, when really only Arukenimon should be evil. Mummymon was able to break past that though. Deep down he was Oikawa's good half and it showed in the moments before his death.

- from the Digilab board, unattributed (?)

I think it makes good sense. Mummymon is at the mercy of Arukenimon as Oikawa's good side is to his bad side, and, like Oikawa's good side, Mummymon didn't act until it was already too late. Also, Arukenimon's not playing with a full deck. She's trying to destroy the digital world, which will do no good whatsoever and kill her in the process. She has a kind of incompleteness to her.

- Devidramon


This one falls under 'wishful thinking' but it's fun anyhow. The first post put forward the idea that in Arukenimon's eyes, her behaviour towards Mummymon was protective.
This is a different take on that theory, maybe a little more straightforward, though not really likely, given that Arukenimon seemed to show a minimum of ire towards Oikawa. But anyway: Oikawa realizes soon after creating them that Arukenimon and Mummymon are getting a little affectionate. He thinks that if they get close to one another, they might talk too much, question their existence or his orders, find strength in one another and lose their dependance on him, maybe even team up and rebel. Or maybe he just doesn't like seeing them strike up a freindship when his own heart is so empty. So he takes Arukenimon aside and tells her that if she ever shows Mummymon affection, he (Oikawa) will destroy Mummymon, and give her, I dunno, a Raremon as a sidekick instead. Oikawa could have enough charisma with her to make it sound like he'd be doing her a favor, that affection is stupid and self-defeating, so that she blames herself rather than him. But even though she now feels inferior because of it, she still likes Mummymon and doesn't want him killed. Soooo... every time Mummymon tries to be all sweet on her, she shoves him away, afraid for his life. Even when he does comparatively innocent things like catch her when she's falling. She's horrible to him because she's trying to make him give up, so he'll be safe. Yet, at the same time, she thinks her feelings make her inferior, and she overcompensates by acting cold, pissed off, and generally nasty. By the time she reaches a point where Oikawa's opinion is no longer important to her, she's forty-eight seconds away from deletion and doesn't really have any time to do any heart-outpourings.

Of course this is utter fanranting. The closest the show comes to supporting this at all is Mummymon and Arukenimon's short discussion after Blackwargreymon reveals to them that they are Oikawa's creations. Mummymon is distressed about his uncertain origins and wants to talk about it, but Arukenimon flat-out refuses. It seems strange that she would resolutely refuse to discuss this strange news. Of course it's probably just because she was trying to puzzle it out herself and didn't want to deal with him, but you could shoehorn it into the theory and say that she was afraid of showing him any concern, even though she really wanted to talk about it. Either that or she didn't want to question it because she was set in her ways and questioning Oikawa would mean bringing her whole world into doubt. In any case, both of them seem to drop the subject entirely after that, and go back to blindly following Oikawa.

- Lithrael

Can someone who knows the Japanese version of events tell me... Claymore's screenshot of the scene of Mummymon & Arukenimon talking in the cab of Oikawa's truck (ep 44, "Dark Sun, Dark Spore") is labelled "Mummymon proposes to Arukenimon." Did he seriously propose in the Japanese version? Or is that just a cute title for the image?

"Arukenimon! Don't hurt- unhh!"




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