Circa '89-90
"Jordan Knight Keeps the Family Beat Bouncing!"
By following in his family's musical footsteps, this 18-year-old "Kid" has helped lift the name of Knight to an all-new height!
For Jordan Knight, music has always been tightly interwoven with family, and vice versa! You might say that creating tunes, in one manner or another, is something of a Knight family tradition!
Jordan and his fellow New Kids on the Block brother Jon may be the first famous music-makers in Knight history, but the clan's trend toward tunefulness has been strong through the generations.
"I pretty much come from a musical family," reflects Jordan, who made his worldly debut back on May 17, 1971. "My father (Allan) plays the piano pretty well and my mom (Marlene) can read music, too. Even my grandparents were into music," he adds.
Jordan's personal musical history goes back to when he was a small lad singing his heart out in the church choir.
The early experience not only taught brown-eyed Jordan how to fine-tune his vocal cords to sound as smooth and soulful as they do today, but it also made him realize the importance of family bonding, since his sisters, Allison and Sharon, and brothers, David, Chris and Jon, sang in that same choir!
To this day, Jordan, who's currently shopping for his own apartment in New York City (not far from his hometown of Boston), recalls his church choir days as being his most precious childhood memory!
Being a choirboy may be a cherished remembrance of the past, but Jordan still carries with him both the magical impact of music and the all-important tradition of being part of a family.
It's all for one, and one for all in the Knight household, so when Jordan was recruited into the ranks of New Kids on the Block five years ago, it seemed only natural that he bring his older brother Jon into the group, too!
Along with giving the band an extra boost of talent, Jon's membership as a New Kid also meant that Jordan would have someone dear to him close by at all times, and that's important to this family-oriented fellow!
"The great part about having my brother in the group is that I can always talk to him," smiles 5'10" tall Jordan. "I think I would go crazy if Jon weren't with me in the group."
Besides serving as sources of strength and support to one another, Jordan and Jon have also been able to share their phenomenal success with the rest of their loving family, and this makes Jordan one happy guy!