Top Of the Pops Magazine - October 1999
The Godfather!
This man is JORDAN KNIGHT. In the early 90's his band, New Kids On The Block, were huge. Ginormous. The Backstreets of their day. And then it was over, gone, kaput. Finito. Now Boom! Jordan's back, aged 27, still gorgeous, and sounding fantastic. And what we want to know, sir, is this: WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?
For the last six years I have been mostly -
Turning down movies, sweetie!
When New Kids ended people offered me a bunch of different gigs to do. I was offered acting work, I was offered a soap opera, I was offered Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat on Broadway. I know these things were prestigious, but they weren't me, it was always a goal of mine to do a solo album. So I did!
. Customizing my swank automobile.
Ooh yeah, baby! I have a fantastic car, it's great fun. I had it customized on the outside and painted black. I have a TV in there, and a VCR for the passengers, and a blaring radio system. Best of all is my GPS (fancy electronic map thing) system - if I get lost I type in the address I want to go to and it gives me directions!
. Making like Tiger Woods.
Yeah, I like golf. We have a few neat courses near where I live in Boston, and my friends and I hang out and play a round or two. Even on tour, when we get the chance I'll play with the dancers but I don't win. I got pretty good for a while but these days my biggest handicap is myself!
. Pacing the draughty corridors of Chateau Knight.
My house isn't that big! It's not like humungous or anything. (Thinks.) I guess it is, um.very liveable. (Have the Knights got a round table?) Er, no. And I don't have a huge long driveway, but I do have a cool electronic gateway. I like living where I do. I'd never move to LA - I don't think it would be a good idea to put the temptation of a champagne lifestyle in my way!
. Writing top toons.
I've been working toward my new album almost all of the time since New Kids. I started shopping for a record deal about six months after - then began writing songs and working with writers and producers. I felt it was important to get it right so I didn't rush anything. I just let it happen.
. Polishing my gold and platinum discs, mate.
Ha ha! Erm, no. I have a few bits and pieces on the wall but mostly they're packed away, I never see them. It would be ridiculous to have 'em all over the house. I have a couple of reminders - like my American Music Award - down in the basement. (Thinks.) The basement's done out nice though. It's not surrounded by boxes or anything!
. Watching Grease. A lot!
C'mon, you gotta agree it's a cool movie. And when I came to make the video for the single I knew I would do a Grease theme cos it fits so well - very upbeat, lots of dancing. Do I fancy myself as John Travolta? No comment, ha ha!
. Sitting back counting money.
I never sat back and counted money! Never, never, never! That just sounds so boring, man, you've still got to have something to do every day, haven't you?
. Playing hide and seek in a huge wardrobe.
I have a lot of clothes, yeah. When I do go shopping I buy a whole lot of clothes and then never wear them. It's like the 80/20 rule. You wear 20 per cent of your clothes 80 per cent of the time. In New Kids people liked my weird, unfashionable style - but I'm no fashion statement, that's for sure.
. Taking pictures aplenty.
I'm really into black and white photography. I like capturing people in funny moments, or finding odd angles for pictures of everyday objects. In London, I wouldn't take a photo of the skyline. I'd take one of the plant in my room instead! (Thinks.) If my music totally flops, photography is always something to fall back on, I guess, ha ha!